MY leg is killing me. And I don't know why.
There's this pain in my right knee and ankle.
It started out as a real hollow feeling, you know like your bone is slightly out of place and you need to pop it back in, but not matter how many times you bend and stretch it, it won't pop back into place and the hollow feeling continues.
THen, when I stand on that hollow joint for an extended period of time, a sharp pain begins to form around that hollow area. Eventually, that pain will shoot up through my bone.
Well, it used to be where if I just stopped putting pressure on it, it would go away.
Now, even just sitting or laying, no pressure on it at all, my leg continues to hurt and the pain continues to be sharp and vibrant. And now, since yseterday, my joints have started to swell, like there's something in it. It feels smooth sometimes, and sometimes gratty. It scares me and it hurts. I limp sometimes too.
My father finally gave in and is taking me to teh doctor. We figure it could be one of three things.
1) A very serious infection 2) Early gout. My family is known to have gout, so it's understandable that I may have it. 3) a form of cancer.
All these choices scare me shitless. If it's an infection, it's a bad one nad the treatment's gonna be bad. If it's gout, it's gonna be hard to get rid of and a reoccuring thing throuh out my life and if it's teh alst choice, I have a feeling it won't be a good cancer at all.
I can only hope it's nothing too serious.
It used to just be the hollow feeling in one joint at a time. Then it started, hollow and sharp pain in one joint, but now it's botha dn it's really a problem. I hope dad scheduals a doctor's appointment for me soon. If it get's any worse, I dunno what i'll do
NightWandererPuck · Tue May 03, 2005 @ 04:27am · 1 Comments |