
Brought to a different dimension by her new found friend, Tenzo, Sadie was desten to whield the Pendant of the Angels and Ears of the Angel. Aided by the Angel's black cat, Suzukio, she will learn to combine the power of her scar with the power of the Heavens.

Tenzo hails from the Winter Dimension of Arch Planet 7. In his travels with Sadie, Tenzo discovers his destany to become the new whielder of the Ice King's Staff. The spirit of the staff, the Ice Hawk, aides him in his training and battles.
Chris the Dragon of Angels:

Tenzo's little brother Chris, tagged along with him and Sadie only to find out that he was the Dragon of Angels. Chris has the powers of giving life to the dead. He must be kept away from Josh and the Dragon of Demons.
Angel Fairy of the Forrest:

Angel is head of the Mythic forrest. It is her duty to take care of all the animals and vegitation. But due to the break out of evil, everything in the Mythic forrest has began to die. Looks like Angel needs some help.
Breha the Shapeshifter:

Breha is Angel's best friend in the whole forrest. She mostly likes to become a ferret.
Josh the Soul Swordsman:

Josh whields 3 of the most deadliest weapons of all. 3 soul stealing swords. On contact, your soul will be sucked within his dark swords. His mission is to kill all who stand in the way of the Dragon of Demons.
Moria Dragon of the Demons:

This dark mistress is in control of all things evil and dark unfortunetly for her, she has a lighter personality that has been locked away along with her. Will her lighter side be her downfall?
Mikyo of the Monkeys:

Mikyo brain washes innocent monkeys to do his evil bidding. He carries around a Pandora Tote that holds everything he will ever need including his brain washed monkey minnions.
Angie Moria's Lighter Side:

Yes this is Moria's alter ego. She is the only one that can aide Sadie and Tenzo in their dangerous quest but unfortunetly, she was locked away by the Minister of Cosmos. This was to prevent Moria's evil from ever escaping.
Lady of the Flame:

Though Lady seems to always be on fire, she is constantly complaining about how freezing cold she is. Former resident of the center of the sun, Lady is the mortal enemy of the Ice King. Because he has passed away, Lady's hatread has moved onto his decendent, Tenzo.
Minister of Cosmos:

His real name is unknown by everyone (except me lol) But he is the most powerful being in the universe. Luckly he's on Sadie and Tenzo's side! With the universe in parrel, he has been put into a dorment state untill it is safe again. But his slumber is cut short when the powers of Moria become free.

The Minister of Cosmos' daughter. She goes to Sadie and Tenzo to awaken her father and his powers when Moria's power is released. Her father has arranged for her to marry the king of ice (Tenzo) but could her heart have been given to someone else in the bloodline?