The Nightmare

By: Crystal Sailor Scout and [-Ai.No.Kiseki-]
I dream a dream within a dream
Drowning in a thousand screams
Searching for light’s final beam
Praying things aren’t what they seem
Faolan is the name I hold
Ayan is my lady bold
But I fear my body cold
long, long afore I’m old
My lady’s keep is far away
Way away from where I stay
Locked in chains ‘ere the day
When freedom fin’ly flies my way
The lock, it falls, the door, it squeaks
And from the Dark, a guard’s voice speaks
gone is the sound of water’s leak
from o’er the wall where mice squeak
Aside, aside the guard doth stand
And unlocks the chains which hold my hands
And sayeth ‘your lady with her band
Hath come to free thee from this land’
I dream a dream within a dream
But all is not quite what it seems
My lady’s joined me in my dream
to free me from thy darkest beam
And then, and then, I wake.

By: Crystal Sailor Scout and [-Ai.No.Kiseki-]
I dream a dream within a dream
Drowning in a thousand screams
Searching for light’s final beam
Praying things aren’t what they seem
Faolan is the name I hold
Ayan is my lady bold
But I fear my body cold
long, long afore I’m old
My lady’s keep is far away
Way away from where I stay
Locked in chains ‘ere the day
When freedom fin’ly flies my way
The lock, it falls, the door, it squeaks
And from the Dark, a guard’s voice speaks
gone is the sound of water’s leak
from o’er the wall where mice squeak
Aside, aside the guard doth stand
And unlocks the chains which hold my hands
And sayeth ‘your lady with her band
Hath come to free thee from this land’
I dream a dream within a dream
But all is not quite what it seems
My lady’s joined me in my dream
to free me from thy darkest beam
And then, and then, I wake.
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