New exciting and interesting things I've recently discovered about me!
1. I cannot walk in a straight line.
2. I enjoy sleeping more than the average grizzly bear.
3. I just imagianed a grizzly bear sleeping in my bed. I laughed because I found it humorous.I picture what I say too often,it gets distracting. Did I spell "humorous" correctly?
4. I'm not good with spelling.
5. I'm incapable of saying "noobs" without feeling like a complete idiot.
6. I strongly disagree-watching television IS tireing to the mind and eyes.
7. Wait-that eyes being tired part doesn't make sense. Eyes are only the things that send the images TO your brain...nevermind.Argh,I talk to myself too much.
8. I have finally grown to be 5 feet exactly. So I am no longer special,I'm used to being really short :-/
9. I 've found that the older I get, the more I disagree with my parents on politics and society.
10. Chat speak annoys me to no end.
Bwhahaa.You know what? I bet no one will read this. Nor comment my journal. Pffftttt Oh well. Good Night.

But its ok to eat fish,
cause they don't have feelings.