What would you do if?
1. I was right next to you:
2. I kissed you:
3. I lived next door to you:
4. I started smoking:
5. I was hospitalized:
6. I was drunk:
7. I hugged u:
8. I asked you to leave:
9. I asked you out:
What do you think about my?
10. Personality:
11. Eyes:
12. Hair:
13. Body:
Would you?
14. Be my friend?
15. Keep a secret if i told you one?
16. Kiss me?
17. Go on a date with me?
18. Keep in touch?
19. Date me?
20. Have sex with me?
Have you ever?
21. Lied to make me feel better?
22. Wanted to kiss me?
23. Wanted to bite me?
24. Kept something important from me?
25. Wanted to cuddle with me?
26. Who are you?
27. Are we friends?
28. When and how did we meet?
29. Describe me in one word:
30. What was your first impression?
31. What reminds you of me?
32. If you could give me anything what would it be?
33. How well do you know me?
34. When's the last time you saw me?
35. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
36. Are you gonna post this so you can see what I say about you?
You must answer all these questions and send them back to me, please dont hold back, be complety honest...
Y= Yes
N = No
M= Maybe
Would/will you?
[] Come to my house to do nothing at all but chill?
[] Fight me?
[] kiss me?
[] Let me kiss you?
[] Watch a movie with me?
[] Go out to dinner with me?
[] Sing car karaoke with me?
[] Re-post this for me to answer your questions?
[] Hold my hand?
[] Let me make you breakfast?
[] Help me with homework?
[] Tickle me?
[] Let me tickle you?
[] Greet me in public?
[] Hang out with me?
[] Bring me around your friends?
[] Be down with me no matter what?
[] cry if we broke up?
Do you?
[] Think I'm cute?
[] Think I'm serious?
[] Think I'm a good person
[] Think I'm conceided?
[] Want to kiss me?
[] Want to cuddle with me?
[] Want to hook up with me?
[] Love me?
Am I?
[] Smart?
[] Cute?
[] Funny?
[] Sexy?
[] Cool?
[] Romantic?
[] A freak?
[] Gangsta?
[] Loveable?
[] Adorable?
[] Trustworthy
[] Compassionate?
[] Great to be with?
[] Attractive?
[] Mean?
[] Well known?
Have you ever?
[] Thought about hooking up with me?
[] Found yourself wanting a kiss from me?
[] Wished I were there?
[] Had a crush on me?
[] Wanted my number?
[] Had a dream about me?
[] Been distracted by me?
[] Looked at my page more than ten times?
Are you?
[] Happy you know me?
[] Thinking about me?
[] Wanting to call me to talk about these things
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i dont want you or your stupid bibles!
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When life gives you melons, you know you're dyslexic.