I'm just hangin on while this old world keeps spinnin'...
okie dokie, here's the 411: Our second show, total flop. Sammie and i fought like cats and dogs. Not only that, but all of my runs sucked. I didn't DQ in anything, but i didn't win anything either. i came in the middle of the pack everytime. stare I feel like a total loozer... anywayz, so yeah! I had completely given up on sammie, when someone very special came back into my life. An old flame invited me over for the evening. We were suppose to go to a party, but instead we got too "wrapped up" in conversation that we just sat there and rekindled something that had been so wonderful! 4laugh well, i thought I might even date him again, when he came up to me after first period and said "I don't know what to do, I got asked out today, but I want to be with you. What do you think??" Well of course I wanted to say '******** the b***h! date me!' but i didn't. I told him to do what his heart wanted. If he really liked this girl, he should give her a chance. If not, then he shouldn't waste her time. Then the bell rang and I was late, so I told him I'd see him at lunch... well, i wasn't at lunch because everyone at that god-forsaken school has managed to piss me off. Well, Ok, maybe not everyone. whee My Dustie still wuffles me!! I guess I shouldn't be so generic when I talk about a mass population, but I just can't help but feel so depressed. Ah well, spring break is coming up, and since DJ's gunna be gone, there's not gunna be any good parties to go to. So I guess I need to find somethin' to do for a week. well, I'll try to write more. I haven't been on too much because since I live in the country, when my phoneline freaks out, I can't get on the net. (******** dial-up.... stressed ) alrighty then folks, I guess I shall catch you laterz! <center> ~Later Datez~ <center> ~TeH pOoFsTeR~