For Ben
On August 25, 1992 in a hospital in Shreveport I was born. I was born in the middle of a hurricane. Hurrican Andrew was placed in the charts as one of the worst hurricanes in history. I get so pissed off when you look in magazines and see "Miracle Babies" from hurricane Katrina. Why wasn't I in a magaizine and called a miracle baby? Silly isn't it? Yeah well stupid things matter to me. I obviously don't remember my first word. (neither does my mom). Im not close to my mom at all. I'm close to my sister and grandmother. Its funny because I'll find myself talking about you to them but never really mentioning the important details. Such as you live in Ireland or I met you on the internet. I do tell them however, that you like me, how sweet and charming you are, and how I like you back. At some point my sister said, "Why don't you date him Shelby, he has jobs?" =) Big thing in my family. You don't have a job your not worth anything. Which may be why my mom and me don't get along. My favorite color is purple. It used to be pink like every little girl. I'll never forget the day it changed. We had to color something in class for a grade so I was probably either in 2nd or 3rd grade. I went looking in the huge color ben. <--hee hee. I grabbed a purple went back to my desk and started to color. I was amazed to find such a pretty color. I liked it so much, believe it or not, i stole the crayon and took it to lunch. lol. Purple to this day, I have a oppsession with. My sterotype at school is gothic unfortunatly. On the paper I tell you about everyone at the grooup but I don't want to type it all down. Srry. You'll find out about them soon enough. I have four siblings. Two live with me. Alex is a dieabetic<-- I don't know how to spell it. Most family and friends think he has a mental defectivness. Gabe is starting to talk back to me. Thats reallt agervating. Britney she 20 and one of my best friends. Then theres Dylan. My brother from another mother. lol. all of my siblings come from the same mother except Dylan. We have the same Dad though. I haven't seen Dylan in four years. I haven't seen my dad in five. I've never been a serious relationship. Lets put it like that. On the paper I went into detail, but I don't want to type it all. My favorite part on a guy is their hands and stomach. I could never date a fat guy. Im very shallow. even though Im fat I can't date a fat guy. Don't even think about what your about to say. Yes I am fat. Were not arguing about it. Well Im sure your tired of reading about me. Since I wrote all this Im expecting one from you. All about you. I heart you Ben.
From Shelby
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