• It comes every know and again.
    It disappears when you least expect it.
    It hurts for a while and it slowly heals.
    You move on ever so slowly.
    Your hearts mends and you soon learn to
    fly again.

    Sometime all there is are flings
    Sometimes there is deceit
    Sometimes it leaves on a runaways train
    on a broken track.
    Love is pain baby just take it
    In stride one day at a time.
    Love is all we have in this world
    to hold on too.

    Sometimes we look at this world
    And silently ask why?
    We scream and cry and beg for that
    love to return.
    But all we really want is for the broken
    heart to mend once more.

    Yes I agree love sucks when it goes bad.
    I agree with you for being angry for being
    sad but trust me your heart will heal; trust
    me baby when I say you will trust again.
    Love isn’t all that bad.

    Your can mend a broken wing
    With a gentle touch, it is the same
    With a broken heart. Soon you will
    Forget that horrible day, the cruel words spoken.
    Soon you’ll forget the tears you will smile again.
    You will survive, you will live, and life will go on.

    Kathi Truscott