• Sitting in silence,
    hearing the echos,
    seeing the altar.

    All of it amazing,
    all of it precious,
    trying to hold on to this moment forever.

    So much we liked it,
    so much we did,
    we sat till we were asked to leave.

    Biking back,
    we kept biking back,
    we were like magnets.

    Attracted to this place,
    we could not stop,
    biking back.

    Sitting in silence,
    hearing the echos,
    seeing the altar.

    His presence beside me,
    neither speaking,
    just sharing this holy moment together.

    Wanting to stay forever,
    dreading the morning,
    when we would drive home.

    The whole trip was fun,
    don't get me wrong,
    but this stands out the most.

    Sitting in Silence,
    hearing the echos,
    seeing the altar.

    01 Dec. 2008