• Stay Strong... Don't Give Up!

    Why? Why is it that you’re always negative?
    You always say you can’t do anything
    Instead, you should be positive
    The tomorrow is a new day to once more starting

    Why you are always saying, “i'm a loser”?
    Stay strong, be happy. Everyone makes mistakes
    Well, we are humans, mistakes are also done by “winners”
    But to be so, efforts, dedication and time it takes

    God doesn’t make human a loser
    Human is the one who makes itself a loser
    Don’t give up, that’s what I say
    But just don’t sit down and pray

    When you trip over in that way
    Get up! And don’t cry, no one can stop you
    Tears aren’t to use anytime everyday
    But its ok for some occasions cry too

    Sometimes you ask yourself “what am I doing here?”
    That’s a question many may wonder in our community
    But that only you can answer, my dear
    Don’t know if also you, but I think its all about destiny

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