• (sung quietly, no music)
    Sitting by the seaside
    Listen to the music
    I wonder why I hear it
    Please say you hear it too

    (Music jumps in,
    Then the singing picks up)

    I really wanna share it
    It sounds so sweet to me
    The rhythm is a rocking
    And the singing’s up to beat
    The words are coming to me
    Oh that’s where I wanna be!

    -Music plays-

    (Sung faster than the rest)
    The drums beat fast and the singers not slowin’
    Yeah! There’s a base in the back
    And the electric’s gettin louder

    The vocals sound cool
    And I look like a foo~ol
    When I’m dancing like I’m crazy
    You still wanna stay with me?

    You stare like I’m scary
    But it doesn’t even phase me
    Cause I don’t even see you
    My eyes are somewhere else
    And my mind is really toooo

    Listen to what I’m say~ing
    I’ll to you what I’m hear~ing

    (Sung faster again)
    The drums beat fast and the singers not slowin’
    Yeah! There’s a base in the back
    And the electric’s gettin louder

    -Instrumental period-

    All you see is a girl in her own world
    She’s dancing on the beach
    With the waves just out of reach
    Her feet get wet and she doesn’t even notiiiiice

    And would you believe
    If I said that girl was me?
    I know its sounds so crazy
    But if only you could see me

    I know I’m usually reading
    Or maybe even playing
    The occasional sport,
    Maybe even on the basketball co~ourt

    I listen to lots of music,
    But I don’t usually go mad
    I swear it just sounds so rad!
    (Music stops)

    (Said, not sung arrow )
    Wait, did I just say that?

    (Awkward pause,
    Then music suddenly starts again)

    (Sung faster again)
    The drums beat fast and the singers not slowin’
    Yeah! There’s a base in the back
    And the electric’s gettin louder

    The vocals sound cool
    And I look like a foo~ol
    When I’m dancing like I’m crazy
    Do you still wanna staaay with me?

    You stare like I’m scary
    But it doesn’t even phase me

    You start yelling liike it’ll wake me up
    But I’m too far in
    And I’m spacing out
    Theres nothing to do but start to shout
    Why don’t you just give in
    And maybe you could start list-e-nin’

    Tell me, do you hear it?
    Do you hear it?
    Do you hear it now?

    -Instrumental Period-

    The vocals sound cool
    And we loook like a couple of foools
    When we’re dancing like we’re crazy
    And now you can always staaay with me-e

    And now you know what to do
    When you think that its all ooover

    Just listen to the Muuusic
    And Faaall Rii-ight… Iii~iiiiiiin