As soon as the bell sounded I jumped up from the desk and grabbed my back pack slinging it over my shoulder.
    As i walked out i saw a framilliar face approaching.
    She did a small jump landing a foot away from me with her book in her arms. She was biting her lower lip in a smile.
    "h-hey Violet."
    "Hey Oliverrrr, hey me and Willow are going to the market with Bennett after school you wanna come?" Violet smiled big with straight white teeth to back it up. Her black hair was teased then straight at the ends and she has a blue highlight. Her beautiful blue eyes shone vividly from her pale face; just the right amount of eye makeup to match her style.
    "I don't see why not." I smiled warmly and she blushed.
    "Kay meet you in the front of the school right after don't be late." she smiled looking up at me.
    Violet was the perfect height, about 5'5 and me being 6'2.
    "I would never." i smiled slightly blushing.
    She giggled, turning on her heel walked bouncily away.
    'She just talked to me! my mind screamed. 'not only that, she asked to some where outside of school!'
    Talking to my self again....cool.
    Why does she have to be so perfect? She isnt like the poser scene girls.. she actually is one.
    I walked with swift big steps down the packed hallway, blushing and grinning like an idiot.

    * * *
    I supported my head with my palm with my other drooping over the front of the desk. I was slumped over, hair in my face eyes fluttering trying to stay awake.
    It was getting very difficult to keep my eyes open. I started slumping and my chin hit the table.
    I could sleep and litteraly no one would notice..
    I need to know this lecture for the test.
    Well oliver it really looks like your taking in alot right now.
    I dozed off.

    "BRAHAhahhs mmmm"
    i jumped at the bell and fell to the ground on my a**.
    The stampede of people covered my flaw and i gathered my things heading to the front to meet Violet.
    My palm sweat as i gripped the life out of my back pack strap. My heart pounded.
    My stomach erupted in butterflies, i lover how she said my name with the extra R sound.
    "Hey Violet" I Said with a half smile looking into her blue eyes.
    "Oh yes bennett is somewhere he asked to come is that ok?"
    "oh yea that's cool" i responded truthfully.
    I scanned the front for my best friend but i didnt see him.
    "ey mate" Bennett grabbed my shoulders from behind causing me to jump.
    I rolled my eyes at his impersenation of my accent.
    I turned around to face him.
    "Hey mate."
    Ha had his messy brown hair sort of formed into a messy side fohawk but not really. Then i realized it was bennett trying to make "a ryhawk" which was the hair style of Ryan Ross who was the guitarist of Panic! at The Disco.
    "So shall we...?" Bennet smiled. Wow. He made things so less awkard.
    Are group of 4 took form of willow, bennet, violet, and me.
    Bennett had told me of his feelings of willow and that would explain him happily chatting her while i was walking close to violet.
    "So how was you day?"
    I bit my lip knowing i was failing at small talk.
    "It was good yea... girl drama i don't think you want to hear that s**t..." she bit her lip looking at the ground her frail arms grasping her binder to her chest.
    "I lowve quirl drama." I immatated a gay guy hoping to make a crack of a smile in her pale, solumn face.
    She errupted in giggles and looked up at me.
    We got lost in eachothers eyes for a minute and she was the first to look away.
    Violet went on to tell me how she caught her boyfriend cheating on her good friend.
    She furrowed her brow. IT was easy to read her she was probably thinking 'i thought i knew her'
    "Well people change and the bast you can do is move on and forget cause showing them you dont care, lowers there self esteem. That 'good friend' is probaly just following you to be you cause she is jelous.. just forget her, i know it's hard, but... leave her in the dust you will be back on the saddle in your group and most likely others will take your side... showing her and others they can't use you. As for your man whore boyfriend, he doesn't deserve you."
    I looked up when done into her eyes with a half smirk.
    I looked up to find us at the market, Willow and Bennett took a seat on the curb waiting for us. They were out of hearing range.
    "wow you are the first guy who actually listens to me."
    We stopped on the grass out of the way of the people stampede, a foot away from eachother.
    "Well it's hard to let go of maxx-" Maxx x was violet's boyfriend.
    "But i didn't really like him.. well maybe only a little...but... it hurts yah know?"
    She deeply frowned and her eyes brimmed with confused tears.
    My body moved and my mind stayed put.
    I pulled her close firmly pressing my lips to hers.
    I rested my hands gently on her hips and she slowly raised her soft hand with colorful bracelets to me jaw bone.
    The kiss lasted about 40 seconds before she pulled away slightly hanging her head pressing her two fingers to her lips.
    I smiled the tingled warmth still remained on my lips.
    I looked over at bennett who was obviously inching closer to willow as she was involved in telling a story.
    "Wow, your good at that."
    "I'm so sorry!.." i slowly backed up putting my hands up signaling apology.
    Then her words hit me.
    I smirked.
    There will be another part