• A wind rushed by as I sped toward the door. I inhaled frantically, my eyes shifting side to side. My heart beat rapidly as I raced to the door. My hand curled around the door knob. Suddenly, I froze, the knocking stopped. I positioned my eye at the peephole. What I saw made me scream. Something was staring at me through the peephole! The knocking resumed. I fled from the door, I had a feeling that person was going to knock down the door. I covered my mouth as fear started to close in. Tears streamed down my face. Who could it be? The eye was brown- that eliminated my mom from the suspicion. I stayed curled up, sobbing inside of a stuffy closet. From the silent atmosphere of the cramped closet, I heard the phone ringing. I creeped out of the closet. I slipped into the kitchen and answered the phone, "Who is it?" I said, trying to sound normal. "It's me, your mom." My mom uttered, "Let me in." I was relieved. I hung up and opened the door. I felt that someone had been there. I'll find out one day if it had been someone else.