• Have you ever thought about the times you were alone and never felt so good...
    It pains me to see such distress and not be able to do anything to help them...
    Have you ever felt this why, the dire pain that burns within just so you can contain it and move on like nothing is even happening. Well someone has to do something about those shadows lurking in the darkness causing these pains.

    My name is Henish Youshama I am 15 years old without mother and father, the only family I have is my 13 year old sister Lilly Youshama, and our loyal pets Ivy and envy (two elemental birds of [envy] fire and ice [ivy].) Our parents died in the Garmizen War…the Garmizen war was the battle between the Celestials (also known as "the bringers of light" ) and the Gramazrians (the vary core of hate and evil) ,we were the ones who escaped in time when they invaded the "Great city" as we call it. My sister and I are bonded together by souls,are souls are connected as one, we always look out for each other. As a Celestian we have ability's some mundanes (mundanes another word for humans, made from the mating of Celestians and Garmazrians in our case) lack, like the power to bend light and control it. All Celestians are born with that one power, but me and my sister were born with angelic ruins, all we know is that we have more ability's then others, but yet to discover them. Our parents told us to find all the survivor's and lead them to the "Land of the Sacred." We still have no idea what they meant by that but we intend to find out!

    "Heney are we almost there yet, I'm getting tired!" Lilly whined tugging on Henish's hoodie making her "I'm dying face." Henish looked at her rolling his eyes "OK we'll stop and rest for now, are you OK Lilly we only just started up the mountain to Helena City, remember we need to get the few survivors we can in so little time we have" Henish exclaimed slanting his head to the side. “ugh, I know, but I’m just so tired lately” she whined a little wiping her eyes ,resting her head on his shoulder “ok we’ll put up camp here tonight, ok Lilly.” He said moving his arm a little making her speak “mhmm” she said with the little effort she had.