• Hotel Isabella

    Prologue: Check-In

    All our times have come
    Here but now they're gone
    Seasons don't fear the reaper
    Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain...we can be like they are
    Come on baby...don't fear the reaper
    Baby take my hand...don't fear the reaper
    We'll be able to fly...don't fear the reaper
    Baby I'm your man...

    Derek Atlas began sing along as his favorite song played through his car speakers. He was scanning the road for his exit when he saw it sneaking up on his right.

    “There you are!” Derek said as he pulled off the interstate and into the exit. Where was he going? Well, Derek had no real destination in mind as he pulled off the exit and into a traffic jam.

    “Oh, perfect! This is just what I needed!” He said as he hit his head on the wheel. Derek had never been fond of anything stopping him from going from point A to point B. This was no exception. He gazed out the window for any place he could stay. His girlfriend had just thrown him out, and he needed a place to rest his head. His eyes came to rest on a hotel in the distance. It looked nice enough, albeit a bit beat up. He was still stuck in an unmoving traffic jam from hell, and it didn’t show any signs of moving either. Derek was never a law breaker, but when you have just been thrown out of the house you paid for yourself, the law really isn’t a concern. After all, you have to look out for number one, right?

    Derek turned the steering wheel ever so slightly to the right, and then began to creep out behind the white line. He knew this would get him in so much trouble if he got caught, but he didn’t care. There was enough room to drive so that he wasn’t hugging the shoulder trying to avoid hitting any cars. He saw the bewildered looks of the other drivers as he slowly crept by. When he made it to the turn off ahead, he pulled into it, and headed towards the hotel.

    He smiled as he pulled into the parking space. Now that he was closer to the hotel, he could tell he was in for a treat. On the outside, everything was lavishly decorated. The windows were draped with flowing, deep red curtains. He got out of his car and looked up. There, standing perched on top of the building, were the words, “Hotel Isabella.”

    “Well, this certainly looks promising.” Derek said brightly.

    He walked up to the hotel door, and pulled. The door swung open and he was greeted with a fancy doorbell that sounded like an organ playing. He was immediately approached by a man who appeared to come from behind the counter. He was wringing his hand together as if he was worried.

    “Hello? We weren’t expecting visitors at a time like this. What can I help you with?”

    Derek was puzzled by his comment about not expecting visitors. He turned and looked out this door to see broad daylight. Why would he not be expecting anyone? Derek then realized he had been asked a question.

    “Oh! Um…I would like a room. Do you have any available?”

    The man’s eyes widened and he began to wring his hands a little tighter.

    “Y-You want a room? Are you sure?

    “Sure I’m sure! That’s not a problem is it?”

    The man began to step towards the counter.

    “N-No! Not at all! We’d be happy to help anyone who should choose to stay here.” The man
    sounded genuinely afraid. He handed Derek the keys and led him to his room. Little did Derek know this would soon be one hell of a hotel visit…