• chapter 5- lets take a walk

    When me and jasper finally got home I turned around to thank him, but of course he was gone. "what else could I expect" I muttered underneath my breath walking to the door and turning our silver handle. "Mom I'm home!" I yelled down the hall, but she had already left. I sighed and sat myself down on the couch, turning on the t.v. I pulled my shoes off.

    I must of fell asleep because the sound of the doorbell woke me up. I walked up to the door rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I opened the door. "what do you want Mr. lets dissapear" I said poking jasper in the chest, he chuckled and held up a pile of books "Homework" He said as I looked him down, I had just noticed how good he looked. Dark brown hair slightly covering his green eyes, a slender yet toned body, my eyes drifted downward...Jasper coughed, "May I come in?" he said smiling, he must have noted that I was checking him out. I stood out of his way and let him in He set the pile of books on my cherry wood table and glanced up at me with a serious look, "lets take a walk" he said grabing my hand, "oh...okay" I stuttered.

    "what do you think of Evalin?" He said as we walked down the street. "I think she's scary" I said looking at him wondering why he would ask me that, "you would be right, fear is a good thing to have of her." , "why is that?" I ask pushing my hair out of my face and getting a worried look on my face. He didn't answer for a while he just looked at the setting sun and Ignored me. When finally answered he had A look on his face I couldn't explain, "she wants to kill you so that she can live, she is your twin"
    to be continued.