• Chapter 4- Hesitant...
    I closed my eyes, and waited for death to come get me. Or so i thought I was going to die. Five minutes passed no terrible scream, no blood, no pain, nothing. I opened my eyes a little, my murderer was hesitating. He blinked a couple times at me then sighed. "Can't hurt my love" he said before dropping the knife. I opened my eyes completely and stared at him. He was pretty damn tall to be my age. O-or dead.

    I kept staring at him, what would be his next move? He looked at me then offered me a hand up. I ignored it and got up myself. I didn't take my eyes of him, I couldn't trust him. After everything he's made me worry about how could I? He ignored my gaze and stared at the ground. After awhile he looked up at the sky.

    "So Ashley, remember me now?" I nodded. He smiled a jolly smile but still didn't look my way. When he finally looked my way our eyes locked. Wait a minute, he had glasses? How did I not see that before? How did I see the color of his eyes but not his glasses? I must be going blind. I waited for him to look away but he no. I hated moments when you ourself have to look away first, thing is I couldn't look away. His eyes kinda sparkled like a star....A blue star I should say.

    He kinda looked like a teddy bear.......or, cuddly bear. Wait what am I thinking this guy wanted to kill me! Yet, I couldn't resist whispering to my self, "Cuddly wuddly bear" He blushed. Crap he heard me. I gotta learn how to whisper lower. I finally looked away.

    I was thinking of his next move though, I didn't even know my next move. Why haven't I run away yet. A normal person would have ran away by now.Great now I'm calling myself un-human. I think I have problems, I laugh at the thought. "What you laughing at?" he asks suddenly. Uhhh, what do I say? I'm thinking myself as a crazy person? That would prove I'm crazy if I say it aloud wouldn't it?

    I loose the thought when he starts pacing. Or I'm pretty sure it was pacing. He kept on then looked up at the sky. What was with him and looking at the sky so much? Wierdo I thought. He glanced at me and smiled. A soft smile, a-a friendly smile. No, more then a friendly smile.

    He began walking torward me. Should I back away? I didn't trust him in that way did I? I backed away slowly and he stopped in his place. He frowned, "You don't trust me?" I half shook my head and half nodded. He sighed then, disspeared. Wait, he disspeared???? I started looking around me. No where in sight was he.

    I stopped spinning in circles and tried to think. What just happened? Until i could think clearly,I felt two arms come form behind me and grab me. I tried to see who it was, but when I turned around something hit me and I was down....