• Screaming and shouting was all that I could here.My clothes were ripped. The mob of people exclaimed "He does not belong!Burn him!" All over my body there were sparks dancing from limb to limb.I excaimed"what is this !?!?". I ran for my life from the people who basicly knew me all my life........I was exiled from my hometown.......shocked with this power I was given. I lived alone for many years.......after my 15th birthday I honed my powers to what it is now. I trained relentlessly. And finnaly on my 17th birthday i was finished. Not long after that I discovered that there were more like me. Children, adults, gifted with this power. I knew what i had to do. Unite all of these gifted souls together, to form a society. But I didnt like the term "gifted people". So I gave us a new name. The Sages. We fight for peace in this horrid world. Not caring what others think about us. But of what we think of ourselves.-the origin of the sages part 1