• A few days later, Vincent and Maria were still traveling the outskirts of the forest. They had slept little as by day they were accosted by raucous birdsong and at night lay awake in fear of the carnivorous beasts whose howls chilled their bones. Each moment they had any spare time, they unsuccessfully tried to sleep or practiced using Flow. The latter was accompanied by Maria's grumbled protests.
    Two weeks after having left Warasti, they ran out of supplies. “Damn, that was the last bit of food we had.”, Vincent grumbled. “If I remember right, there should be a small village up ahead. We'll get supplies there.”
    “Do you mean you have money? You aren't going to steal them are you?” Maria asked.
    “You stay here at the camp, and don't run off. You never know what kind of freaks there are out there.” At this, Vincent gave a small chuckle, then headed out to the west, leaving Maria with nothing but the calls of the animals for company.

    As Vincent looked for the village, his thoughts turned back to the previous weeks' melancholy events. His thoughts eventually returned to Maria, the human anomaly. Vincent had finally figured out why her Flow energy was so strange; she never seemed to run out of it. This was supposed to be logically impossible, yet she went against the rules. This was the reason Vincent still kept her around, although he had only taken her so he could figure out what was so strange about her. And so he could use her as a bargaining tool against the guards.
    An hour after Vincent had set out, he found the village, a nameless little splotch on the face of the world. As Vincent walked into the village, he pulled his sword out of it's scabbard. A farmer soon noticed him and walked up. Before the man could even utter a greeting, Vincent had plunged his sword into the man's gut. Vincent went quickly through the village, slaughtering every man, woman, and child.
    When Vincent had finished his grim work and taken the supplies, he started to head out of town, but something caught his eye. He started toward it and saw that it was a wanted poster of himself. He stared in shock at the bounty for his head: 150,000 gold. Only 150,000?, he thought to himself. Surely I'm worth more than that? What a disgrace. He spat at the poster in contempt, then tore it down. He took it over to one of the dead bodies and pinned it to the body. He than headed back towards where Maria was waiting in order to prepare for the next day's journey.