• Lorien dried her tears as she walked into her bedroom. Mrs Coldwell was sitting by the window reading a book. Mrs. Coldwell looked up and smiled at the Princess. Lorien smiled back faintly. The old woman stood up from her chair and gave Lorien a hug.

    “I saw you 2 in the garden. What happened?” Mrs. Coldwell asked curiously. Lorien just shook her head and got her nightgown out from her wardrobe. Mrs. Coldwell sighed.

    “It’s been a long day I guess. I should probably leave you to get some sleep,” the old woman walked towards the door, yawning. Lorien smiled, glad that she still had Mrs. Coldwell by her side. The princess quickly got ready for bed. She was dying to have a rest after a long day.

    Lorien was about to climb into her bed but she took one last look in the mirror. She sighed at her reflection. She felt empty.

    “My dear girl, did someone break your heart?” a cold voice said. Lorien spun around and search the room in shock but couldn’t find anyone. She suddenly heard a faint sound of movement coming from near her wardrobe. She held her hand out and a large blue fireball shot out from her palm in the direction of her wardrobe. It hit the wall leaving a large black burned hole.

    “That’s very impressive your Highness, or is it your Majesty now?” a strange hooded figure appeared in front of her. He removed his hood and bowed. His hair was blonde and his eyes were blood red.

    Lorien gasped in horror. “Who are you?” she whispered. It was the loudest voice she could muster up. The strange creature chuckled.

    “Don’t worry little Princess, I won’t hurt you. My name is Dmitri. I come from a land far away,” The strange creature pointed down. Lorien understood what he was trying to say and tried to shoot another fireball at him. It singed his cloak slightly.

    “Amazing. Your mother couldn’t singe this cloak if her life depended on it, and her life did depend on it,” The strange man said and started laughing coldly. Lorien gasped before glaring at him. His face scrunched up in pain. Lorien didn’t stop glaring until she heard him scream in agony. Dmitri did everything he could in his power to try to stop her but nothing phased her. When his screams finally became too piercing to bear, Lorien stopped torturing him.

    There was a sudden knock at the door and Dmitri grabbed the Princess and covered her mouth. She tried to wiggle her way out of his grasp but he was too strong. She tried to use her magic to get herself out but it seemed as though while he was making contact with her, she had no power.

    “Your Highness, is everything all right in there my dear? I thought I heard someone screaming,” Mrs. Coldwell said through the door.

    “Tell her everything is fine. If you say anything more, I’ll do the same thing to you that I did to your mother,” Dmitri whispered. His hand moved slowly away from her mouth but it quickly shot back. “Oh and don’t try any of that telepathic magic on her either. If you do, I will know,” he whispered with a voice as cold as ice. He moved his hand away from her mouth.

    “Everything’s fine Mrs. Coldwell. You probably just imagined it” the Princess said reassuringly, not breaking eye contact with the demon.