Chapter 8- Evil twins - part 1

    (music playing- Clash {MMZ1 boss theme remix} /Megaman Zero )Download
    *John still in the Model C mysterious pink biometal and Harpuia were ready to face off with the imposter Harpuia known as Copy H. There was a crowd of people watching the soon to be battle conflict.*

    John= C'mon you, I need to switch biometals.

    Harpuia= Switch your biometal now.

    John= I can't. She wont let me. I cant explain.... urhhh.

    Copy H= What's wrong whelp? Don't wanna be seen in your girly biometal? Too embarrassed?

    John= I need to get out my weapons. That's why.

    Copy H= I see... now your completely defenseless, just the way I like my victims! *chuckles*

    Harpuia= Im not going to let you touch him.

    Copy H= I like to see you try and stop me.

    *Copy H made the first move, he fired a dark aura energy ball at Harpuia and harpuia blocked it with his twin saber attack. Harpuia dashed and tried to strike his imposter, but he jumped out of the way and fired a black bolt in the air that turned into a black tornado and Harpuia got caught in it. Then Copy H flew in it completely unaffected and performed his 5 hit combo and slammed Harpuia on the hard pavement.*

    John= HARPY!!! *growls* Your asking for it now.

    *John leaped high into the air and grabbed Copy H but copy H grabbed him by his arms and tossed him across the blocks of the street. John safely landed and tried to use the micro-jam wave like he did on the Bonnes ships, but it didn't work.*

    Copy H= Ha! trying to do a micro jam? Im immune to it.

    John= Let's see you try this out!

    *John holds his hands and was ready to cast magic on Copy H and he was getting ready as Copy H approached him. John casted "Ice 3" on Copy H realizing this was Harpuia's element weakness he thought Copy H would share the same weakness as well. But the ice spell only caused normal damage.*

    John= What!? That was only normal damage.

    Copy H= Trying to pin-point my weakness? Now I better stop you before you go any further.

    *Copy H began to dive down and tried to hit John with a sword dive, but John was too fast. Then Copy H fired a few sword beams to damage John but John in his pink biometal were too maneuverable. John jumped and stood on a lamp post to avoid the attacks.*

    Copy H= Get back here! Stand still so I can kill you!

    *Copy H started to strike at the lamp posts hoping to knock John off but John kept leaping from one post to another. John casted another spell.*

    John= I hope this works. *Casts Fire 2*

    *Copy H got landed with the spell but it wasn't too good of damage*

    John= Is this guy element protected? This must be Dalton's work!

    Copy H= Now im really getting mad!

    *Copy H fired a few black ball projectiles and tried to hit John with them and John dodged a few but got struck by the last one.*

    John= This must be dark energy, now I know what to use. Eat this you fake Harpy! *casts Holy*

    *Copy H got struck by the light element attack and it seemed Copy H took a great deal of damage from it, but wasn't enough to do massive damage.*

    Copy H= Arghhhhhhhh!!

    John= AH HA!!

    *John leaped up and performed a few aerial kicks on Copy H and performed an eagle dive jump-kick and landed Copy H slamming down on the pavement. But Copy H got back on his feet and fired a hurricane blast at John but it hardly had any effect on John, he still continued to assault Copy H. John held the pink flower crystal that the biometal took from Ciel, and it formed a mystic light and fired a huge beam at Copy H. The beam size was big as a gas delivery truck and it slammed and knocked Copy H as far as a football field.*

    John= WHAT!? I can't believe I just did that move.

    *John dashed towards the area where Copy H was and continued his pursuit., but the Copy H dashed towards him and tackled him to the ground and preformed a wind/dark element trap vortex attack, but John wrapped his legs around copy H and hit him with another Holy spell but with maximum power and after the hit, Copy H was dispatched but his body was still lying on the ground barely alive, but Harpuia rushed to the scene as well.*

    (music changes to- Infiltration/ Megaman Zero )Download
    Harpuia= John, are you alright!?

    John= *pant pant* Yeah.... what a rush... whew.

    Copy H= *distorted voice* You...... can't .... beat us all...... When ....they ..... are finished... we .. will.... have ...revenge ... on the world.

    Harpuia= You caused allot of harm to the city and it's residence. Explain yourself!

    John= Probably too late Harpy, I bet he's already passing.

    Model C= Chiiiiiiiii

    *The pink biometal un-equipped off John by itself and in it's small form, floated towards Copy H where he stood totally damaged*

    Copy H= Your too late..... when both doctors .... gain total power... this continent will.... fall......

    Model C= chiiiiiiiiii

    John= Hey, what are you doing over there?

    Harpuia= What kind of biometal is that? Wasn't that the one that saved us?

    *The pink biometal shined a light on Copy H and began to absorb his body into a different form.*

    Copy H= No!! STOP IT!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!

    (music fades)
    *The light from the biometal drew in Copy H completely in and changed to a green and white object that looked like a biometal, and it drew towards John and it equipped itself to John and the pink biometal withdrew into John's pocket. Then after the light faded, John was wrapped yet in another new biometal form, this time all green and white.*

    Harpuia= It... can't ... be!?

    John= Harpy, What's wrong? You look like you seen a ghost or something?

    Harpuia= John, look at yourself.

    John= Im, wearing green,... I better find a mirror.

    *John moved toward a city lake and looked at himself in the reflection in the water and saw himself looking similar to Harpuia.*

    John= What? I look like you now?!

    *Suddenly, John's com-link went off again*

    Roll= John, are you ok? I still have the kids with me, but the Bonnes cleared out as soon as you were with that imposter.

    John= Ol Tesiel used it as an opportunity to escape.... great.

    Roll= Im going to teleport you back to the flutter right away.

    *John and Harpuia were transferred to the flutter immediately.*

    (music playing- The Flutter/ Megaman Legends)Download

    Roll= John. You got another biometal!? But how?

    Harpuia= I like to know too. I believe I seen this before.

    Roll= Harpuia, you said you seen this happen before.

    Harpuia= Yes. It was when we were trapped in the ruins of our own HQ. That biometal grabbed Omega and transformed his body into a biometal.

    Lan= John! Harpuia! Your safe.

    Mayl= John, the Bonnes got away. But at least your safe.

    Dex= We saw that fight with you and that rouge Harpuia, And Harpuia , im glad your ok too.

    Harpuia= hurph, *nods head*

    John= What's wrong Harpy? You Don't sound too....

    Harpuia= It's nothing. I need to be alone for awhile. *steps into another room*

    John= What's wrong with him?

    Yai= Harpuia isn't too much for crowds and publicity.

    Roll= We need to send these kids home immediately...

    John= So soon? Well, I think we need to at least keep them with us for just awhile longer.

    Roll= John.... Harpuia or Ciel may not like it.....

    John=I think I should go get them a treat or something.... They lost there school and there sessions ruined and I think they need to be .....

    *Incoming message appeared on screen*

    Ciel= John! I was listening to you about the kids. That may not be such a bad idea. I mean..the residential area is still under repairs and ... well it may not be too safe even with the Bonnes still at large.

    John= I tell you what?.... Lan, Mayl, Dex, Yai,..... How would you like to see my ship?

    Ciel= JOHN!

    Roll= Excuse me?

    John= At least I can transfer them home and have enough time to grab something to eat...

    Lucus= Well... did you menson that your missing companions were lost during the operations of your ship?

    John= Only by riding the vortex. I could at least show them who I am...

    Lucus= ..... Ok, just this once.

    John= Thanks.

    Lan= You have a ship?

    John= Not like the ones here. Your gonna love this one.
    (music dies down)

    *The flutter landed at East Abagale city hall and John, Roll, Dex, Yai, Mayl, and Lan, and even Harpuia walked inside the city hall building.*

    (music playing- Platinum moonlight/ Castleveinia Dawn of sorrow )Download

    Manager woman= Please wait here and I will prepare the elevator.

    John (wearing no biometals)= I wonder if the guys down there finished fixing those broken biometals?

    Dex= This mayor sure has allot of old stuff.

    John= Some I seen before.

    Roll= Now is not the time John. We need to see the mayor ok?

    John= Sorry. It's a rare opportunity for you guys after all.

    Harpuia= Fenfir should've been more careful about dragging you into his publicity schemes John.

    *the elevator was at the ready and all the company boarded and was in the final floor in mayor Lucus's laboratory.*

    (music changes to- Abandoned castle/ Castleveinia Curse of darkness)Download

    Lan= Woah!!

    Dex= Wicked!

    Yai= A library, observatory, a lab, all in one? Nice. Even I could use this to study in myself.

    Mayl= *giggle* I bet we all can do our classes here as well?

    Harpuia= Don't even think about it children, this is the mayor's private lab so Don't get any ideas.

    John= Oh, c'mon man, there just complimenting....well, you know how kids are?

    Harpuia= You would make a careless parent John.

    John= *sighs* Man.

    Lucus= John. You brought company here today, after recent events of the school being attacked by the Bonnes.

    John= I sure did.

    Roll= John, were there anymore children besides these 4 you found?

    John= Well, no... wait!? The Bonnes may have the .... AHWWWW CRAP!!

    Ciel= John, we do have some good news, we upgraded one of the biometals as soon as we finished repairs. The Model B was upgraded with the parts from some old mechaloids and Bass and Vile's remains.

    John= So the Bass biometal ... doesn't have that puny cannon anymore?

    Ciel= The Bass cannon has been upgraded so you can fire stronger projectiles. We used Vile's cannon for the upgrade. And this mecha-dog Treble's remains were used for the hover-pack upgrade, which costs energy to use so you may want to use that sparingly.

    John= Oh Ciel I owe you one.

    Ciel= Don't just thank me thank Cerveau and Doigt for the participation.

    John= Sorry. Thanks Cervy! Thanks Doi!

    Cerveau= Slanging names as usual?

    Harpuia= Oh yeah.

    Cerveau= Harpuia. We haven't seen you in a long time since the return of Omega.

    Harpuia= Please don't remind me.

    John= Did you manage to fix the other biometals and give them upgrades?

    Cerveau= We did add more power to the Model Pr. We fixed the shield and now you can perform shield dashes more efficiently. And the Model D, we used some more of the access mechaloid junk to upgrade the saber and cannon a bit. So I heard you got another biometal again?

    John= Don't be saying this out too loud but take a look.

    Doigt= Well I be?

    Lucus= What is taking so long over here?

    John= Sorry. Here you go guys. You can take a look. *John hands over the biometal Model H to Cerveau*

    Lucus= Oh, the children would like to see your Tardis, if im correct?

    John= Oh yes. And how were you today?

    Lucus= The Tardis if you please?

    John= Sorry. Oh Lan! Mayl, Yai, Dex. I want to show you something. Here is my ship.

    Dex= That's... your...ship?

    Mayl= That's just a big blue box.

    Yai= So.... 1950's.

    Lan= Well, I think it's ok? But it says, "police public call box".

    John= That's just a disguise. It's so nobody will notice. But your definitely gonna love what's inside.

    (music dies down slowly)
    *John, Lucus, and the kids stepped inside the Tardis*

    (music playing -The Main Gate/ Megaman Legends)Download

    Dex= Woah, It's so big in here!

    Lan= Whoah,... it's like were in another room in the building.

    Yai= This can't be possible.

    Mayl= It's pretty but it's so big inside.

    John= It's Time lord technology.

    Lucus= Time lord?

    John= Time lord's ... they create these. Well, at least they used too.

    Dex= How can they build these things?

    John= Well, actually the grow them first. Sounds weird but that's how they do it.

    Mayl= Grow... a ship?

    Yai= Yeah right! *laughs*

    Lan= They can't possibly grow machines.

    John= Actually... this is how I got here. And else ware.

    Lucus= Else ware?

    John= I am from another world completely different from the world Kaolla was from. She was the founder of this Tardis.

    Lucus= Who is exactly this Kaolla you menson?

    John= I have a picture of Me and the others. *hands over picture*

    Dex= You have other people from different worlds?

    John= The girl with the blonde is Kaolla, the blue haired girl is Shinobu and the darker haired one is Nyamo. These 3 were from the same parallel world, but I wasn't. I was picked up by accident.

    Lan= So you have to find these girls right?

    John= Yeah, but there in different time-lines. Kaolla is somewhere in this world, I can't pinpoint her exactly. Shinobu and Nyamo are further in the future but I can't get any readings on any of them. I just hope there all alright.

    Mayl= Oh, John im so sorry.

    Lucus= Well, now I need to have a word with all of you and about you attacker John.

    (music slowly fades)

    Man in lab coat= Oh, Mayor Lucus, sorry to meet you so Suddenly. Mayor Biggs sent me to help you with the Tardis and biometal affairs, oh and John nice to meet you.

    John= Well, hello! I haven't seen you here before?

    Lan= ...Dad!?

    Man in lab coat= Oh Im sorry we haven't been introduced. I am Dr. Yuichiro Hikari of the Abagale agency.

    (music playing- Windy and co./ Conkers bad fur day)Download

    John= Oh, Your from an agency?

    Lan= My dad is also a professor as well. He may be able to help you with some things including doing some biometal upgrading.

    Dr. Hikari= Oh Lan, your such an informative son.

    Lan= Uhhhh.

    John= Well, ok. So you want to know about that evil twin of Harpuia?

    Dr. Hikari= Yes. He sure didn't look exactly like him didn't he?

    John= Well.... He sure was powerful, but something wasn't to natural with him.

    Dr. Hikari= Let's go outside to the conference room and talk about this.

    John= Well, ok. But what about your son and the rest?

    Ciel= I will tend to them.

    John= Thanks Ciel.

    Ciel= *smiles*

    (music dies down slowly)

    *The kids stayed with Ciel and John, Harpuia, Dr Hikari, and Mayor Lucus went into a conference room somewhere in the private lab.*

    (music playing - Were the Bonne Family/ Megaman Legends)Download

    Dr. Hikari= Ok John. You encountered a Harpuia imposter that didn't look exactly like him?

    John= Yes, and you wanna know something, he wasn't weak against ice like the real Harpuia, he was weak against light.

    Lucus= I think he was referring to element wise as to locate his weakness as of battle strategy.

    John= Oh, this guy wasn't too natural, I could tell. He nearly had Harpuia too.

    Dr. Hikari= I did some analysis on that black aura photos and it appeared to be un-natural phenomenon. Sort of like.... magic?

    John= I can use magic!

    Lucus= Oh so I seen the video taken by Roll.

    John= Roll never told me anything about a video.

    Lucus= She wanted to record evidence that the real Harpuia would not be blamed for the incident.

    John= Something just came to me.... what if.... the Harpuia imposter isn't the ... only one? What if there 3 more like him, than the guardians are in big trouble. There reputations could be ruined.

    Lucus= I understand your concern but .... we can't do anything until our staff and scouts pick up any action involving these guardian imposters.

    John= If Dr. Wily builds the fake guardian, Dalton may have something to do with that dark aura.

    Dr. Hikari= You think so?

    John= Oh yes indeed. If they can make a fake Harpuia, they can make a fake Fenfir, Phantom and Leviathan too!

    *the communication screen hailed a message from West Abagale City.*

    Mayor Biggs= Oh hello. How is the meeting?

    Dr. Hikari= Oh it's fine. We discovered that the imposter was indeed an unnaturally boosted duplicate of Harpuia. It may be possible if the one responsible were to make more of the other 3.

    Biggs= I see.

    John= And I believe there using new tactics as well. That black aura is nulling out the guardians weaknesses so if anyone tried to use element weaknesses, it would be useless. There attacks seem to be half-dark element as well as there natural element powers as well.

    Biggs= Your quite sharp there son.

    John= I seen something like that before sir.

    Lucus= He identified the one responsible for this crime, a man he calls Dalton. And a man named Dr. Albert Wily.

    John= In your records, Dr. Wily is deceased, but he found out how to use a time machine and he used it to find Dalton and now there working together. And What's worse, they revived Dr. Wiel!

    Biggs= Son, are you serious?

    John= Oh yes, I seen him.. well, on screen. I even battled the copies of that fake Megaman and that Omega Zero guy.

    Biggs= Oh so they too had this dark aura?

    John= Those copies didn't. But I believe there trying something.

    Dr. Hikari= So John may be the lead to stopping these sinister criminals. If we let John into our agency, he may be able to help us put an end to these criminals, now John. About the other criminals before who attacked the school, there called the Bonnes?

    John= Yes, but there not in league with Dr. Wily, Dalton or Dr. Wiel. They work entirely on there own and they must be trying to get there hands on the biometals. They must want them so they could abuse there powers.

    Biggs= I must say im impressed with your knowledge of these events.

    John= Oh, I travel.

    Dr. Hikari= Well, it's getting late. I will take the children home. As for you John, I want you to take some time to relax and be sure you get some time to relax too Mr. Lucus.

    Lucus= Sure thing. John, you been to the mall with Fenfir have you? Ciel told me about it. Why not take her there and spend some quality time together?

    John= Well, sure. Ok.

    Biggs= This meeting has been concluded. Good night everyone.

    (music dies down)

    *The day went by and it was almost nightfall. John decided to take Ciel with him to Abagale's mall and do some hangin around and a bit of shopping. Roll stayed with John and Ciel while Lucus, Biggs Dr.Hikari and the 4 kids were taken home to take there leave. Soon John, Ciel, and Roll were outside and took off in the patrol car Roll made. Soon they made it to the mall. They went inside to look for something fun to do.*

    (music playing- Relgam tower/Pokemon Coliseum)Download

    Roll= It's great to get out and take a breather from all these events.

    John= You said it. I need a breather. But I still feel worried about those kids that didn't make it out. But im sure the Bonnes maybe criminals but I know there not murderers and massive demolishers.

    Ciel= John, Remember what Mayor Lucus said? Besides, we need to do some shopping. Why not the clothes department? Let's find you something else to wear besides that get-up you have on. A guy wearing those tiny shorts, and those gloves, those tights, ...

    John= Here we go again.

    Roll= *laughs* You really need to get a new outfit. Seriously.

    John= Ok, you win, but im not discarding these!

    Ciel= Ok, ok. I get it. Now, let's go to the clothes department.

    *John got himself some new clothes, all he got were some baggy pants and a Teflon shirt and a few other sets. Ciel did some looking but wanted to go look around some other stuff.*

    John= well, I won't be needing to come back here for a good while.

    Ciel= You sure look better now.

    Roll= I agree with Ciel though.

    John= Are you going to get some new clothes too?

    Roll= Oh.... we already did.

    Ciel= We already took ours to the car.

    John= What's next?

    Ciel= Oh, uhhhhh?

    John= Why not the arcade?

    Roll= Well, I Don't feel like going to the arcade, what about something else?

    Ciel= How about some.....*looks jittery*

    John= Ciel? Not planning to ...

    *Roll and Ciel both grab John by the lower arms and took him in a hyper stride to the toy department and when John spotted Ciel and Roll look at the stuffed animals and the certain toys that would make John feel rather unpleasant... John looked for the cards section... he was hoping to find some Pokemon TCG cards of this world but he also spotted there was a kind of card brand he never seen before in his life. But a rather different kid walked to him and began to talk to John.*

    Big kid= Hey mister, aren't you a bit old for these?

    John= Oh, uhhh, I was just curious about these? Never seen them before in my life.

    Big kid= You are indeed an odd one. I guess Mayors Lucus and Biggs were correct about you. Being in a battle with that battle with that imposter Harpuia and all.

    John= Wait a minute, how did you know that? Wait a minute, you Don't know a boy named... Lan do you?

    Big kid= Lan, ..... I ....see. I work for his dad. Im Eugene Chaud. I am an official assistant to Dr. Hikari.

    *This Eugene was a serious looking boy unlike Lan and his friends, he also had unusual hair too. The front silver/white and black in the back. He didn't look too friendly either*

    John= Oh, well, I am going to be working for them too.... sort'a.

    Eugene= And what is a grown man like yourself doing in a place like this? I only came in here because I recognize you from the meeting recorded by my boss.

    John= Well, im not here alone, so, wanna join us in a bit of .....

    Eugene= Sorry, im not into grouping. Im only for personal leisure.

    John= Well, if you want you can join us if I can get Roll and Ciel to go see a movie....

    Eugene= Im not interested. Well, nice talking to you John. We might see each other again.

    *The boy walked off but he acted like he protested every proposal of mall events he invited him to. John got back up on his feet and saw Ciel and Roll finish paying for there stuff they bought.*

    Roll= John, did you find something you wanted?

    John= Nahhh.. I prefer my own time, maybe I need to adjust to this world some more.

    Ciel= I saw a boy in a red jacket talk to you earlier, Who was that? He looked at you somewhat... strangely.

    John= Some kid named Eugene. He didn't seem to interactive, just .... himself.

    Ciel= Well, c'mon John. Let's go load the car up and go back and find a nice restaurant, and we can go watch a movie.

    Roll= C'mon John. Smile.

    John= Well.... Ok, I guess I can last some more.

    (music dies down slowly)
    *John was hoping to get some of his stress from the recent events, even if he was happy to see Roll and Ciel have fun for once. John wasn't going to let his meeting with Eugene keep him down. Well, all the events and plans passed by and John learned to cope with it all and finally, John, Ciel and Roll found a hotel to stay for the night. That night, John was asleep and as he was, John had a somewhat unusual dream, John was hoping it be a pleasant one.*

    *******************John's dream*****************************

    (music playing- Game center/ Megaman Battle Network Transmission)Download
    *John found himself walking around in a world he believe he has been in before, during Megaman's era and while walking, he was with the old era Megaman, Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo during there recent dimension travels, they were at a carnival and were having fun.*

    John= Oh the carnival, so much people, so much fun, so little time.

    Megaman= Yeah, I know what you mean? Predicting Dr. Wily and his vicious acts is allot of stress, Don't you agree?

    John= Yeah, Im rather surprised why he just doesn't give up and continue with all his ranting and raving? He seems to keep getting more cleaver and smarter for every defeat he gets.

    Kaolla= Oh yeah, I want to ride that rollercoaster, what about you Johnny boi?

    John= You know I hate roller coasters! Well, you can if you want, you can even take Megaman with you but there's no way Im getting on board that.

    Shinobu= I agree with John, there to scary.

    John= I remember riding a green dragon ride back at my world during the special events at my favorite mall, I liked it a bit because it was small and short. But that ride from Kings Dominion's ughhh, I can't remember that ride but I thought it was going to be a nice smooth ride, but I had to end up finding out the hard way!

    Kaolla= Wuahhhahahahaha! Show me your photo?

    John= Im so glad I didn't save it, and sure want funny, I almost pissed myself that day!

    Nyamo= How about we go find a booth were we can win prizes?

    Shinobu= Oh yeah, John can win us some prizes.

    Megaman= What do you say John, wanna go for it?

    John= Oh yeah. Let's go win some prizes.

    *They all walked to the booth of mystery marble, the chance taking game where you can shoot a marble through a pinball plunger and take a chance for it to land in a spot that represents a prize you can win.*

    John= Excuse me, sir, I would like to play this game.

    Booth man= Oh sir, take your best shot at these challenges to win a prize. That will be $1.00 a shot.

    John= I will go for 5 shots for starters.

    Booth man= That will be $5.00.

    John= Ok. *John pays the man for 5 shots*

    Booth man= Go win some prizes for those 3 lovely young ladies behind you, and isn't that.. Megaman? Well, your trying to win his affection too aren't you?

    *John didn't answer, he sorta gave out a freaked look and pulled the plunger as soon as the booth manager prepared his chances. John took his first shot, and it landed on a hole that said "Blue ribbon".*

    Booth man= One blue ribbon, you can use that on the takeout booth to claim your prize, here,s the list of prizes.

    John= The blue ribbon prizes, those look.... like ....a free toaster or a variety of cooking utensils. I bet you want this one Shinobu.

    Shinobu= Oh John... Thank you! *she smiles and swipes the ribbon out of John's hand and hugs him for it*

    John= Im going to go for it again. Here we go. *John pulls the plunger again and the marble rolled into another slot where it landed in a red hole.

    Booth man= A "red ribbon" for you! This will get you some prizes in the red column.

    *John looked in the red column prize list and seen stuff like slingshots, marbles, water balloons and prank stuff.*

    John= Looks like this would be your ribbon Kaolla.

    Kaolla= Yes!! *she takes the ribbon from John*

    John= Next one!*John pulls the plunger the 3rd time and it lands on a green hole.

    Booth man= A "Green ribbon" and that's for all the green column section where all the stuffed animals are being kept. Especially our famous stuffed blue dolphin prize.

    John= Now this would be for you Nyamo. *He gives the ribbon to Nyamo*

    Nyamo= Oh John your the best. *She hugs John*

    John= Oh right, plunger shot #4. *John pulls the plunger again and he lands in an orange hole.*

    Booth man= Orange hole gets an "Orange ribbon" and it's full o the stuff with metal cleaners and things even a reploid would like to have.

    John= Alright, Megaman, this one would be for you. *He gives Megaman the orange ribbon*

    Megaman= Woah, that was a bit tough to get, thanks John.

    John= Alright, time for my last shot. *John pulls the plunger and hits a black hole*

    Booth man= A black hole gives you a "Black ribbon" and it's full of those gothic and old century stuff and let me tell you, that was one hard place to reach sonny!

    John= I guess that makes it mine then.

    Shinobu= You better not go getting a katana or anything like that. Seeing those reminds me too much on how Motoko liked to hurt poor Keitaro with those.

    John= It isn't the sword or the umbrella that's to blame, it's the user of it.

    Kaolla= Your gonna get a cool sword aren't you?


    Megaman= John, do you have to be so violent? Could you get an exchange or something?

    John= You worry too much. Besides, I know how to manage with a sword.

    Nyamo= I Don't like those things.

    *Later on they left the carnival and out to the parking lot and they all walked into the Tardis to pack there prizes in and was ready to make a call to Dr. Light's lab.*
    (music switches to- Dr. Light's lab/ Megaman 8 )Download

    John= Hello there Doc.

    Dr. Light= Oh hello children, how is the carnival?

    John= Not too bad.

    Megaman= John won us some prizes.

    Shinobu= John won a prize for everyone.

    Nyamo= He got me a stuffed dolphin.

    Kaolla= He won me some firecrackers!!

    Dr. Light= Now Kaolla, don't go dragging John into one of your plans for any pranks ok.

    Kaolla= Ok!

    Dr. Light= Oh what's this, you guys better come back here pronto. Protoman has came back to inform us about something urgent.

    John= Will do. Warming up the Tardis now!

    (music fades slowly)

    *The Tardis began to make the whooshing sound and began to teleport and after a few seconds, it teleported right into Dr. Light's lab. All 5 stepped out of the Tardis and walked right into Dr. Light's presence.*

    (music playing- Important news/ Metroid Fusion)Download
    Dr. Light= Im afraid Me and Protoman may have some disturbing news. I heard that Dr. Wily has been spotted near the outskirts of the city. Protoman has briefed me on some details while he infiltrated the base in the city's outskirts.

    Protoman= It's an old subway station abandoned for about 15 years. I saw him and he had Bass along with him. And I seen this rather odd guy. Looked like he had long brown hair and a pilots jacket. Calls himself Dalton.

    Megaman= He must have found a new associate.

    John= Did you just say "Dalton"? I may have heard that name before.

    Protoman= Well, if you ask me John, I never recall any Dalton in the criminal archives.

    John= Probably cause they Don't exist in this world, but I bet the Tardis mainframe does.

    Kaolla= No worries John. Dalton was the man you encountered when you rescued Chrono from his clutches back in the cyber world jail. And some day during then, we seen Dr. Wily there too.

    John= How did you know all that?

    Kaolla= It's my photographic memory.

    John= I wished I had a mind like yours Kaolla.

    Shinobu= Believe me John you wouldn't.

    Megaman= It would make John smarter *chuckles*

    John= Mfh! *John finger thumps Megaman on top of his head*

    Megaman= Ouhhhh.

    Protoman= *snickers* Welcome to big bro. little bro. world John.

    Dr. Light= PROTOMAN!! This is no time to joke around. We need to be alert. Now, Megaman, you go on and investigate this. The rest of you stay in town and don't go following Megaman, understood?

    John= Yes sir. *looking slightly down*

    Nyamo= I will. Be careful out there Megaman.

    Kaolla= Se ya later.

    Shinobu= Take care of yourself.

    John= No ..wait.... Megaman, you got to let me go with you..... Megaman.....

    Dr. Light= John. No! You will get hurt.

    (music began to fade slowly)
    *John felt shooken as John was feeling like someone was rocking him slightly......and the voice began to change too....

    **************John begins to awake from his dream*****************

    Ciel= John! John! Wake up, it's 8:00 in the morning.

    John= *Ghahhhhhh* Oh, it was ..... just a dream.... urhhhhh

    Ciel= John, are you felling alright? You look like you seen a ghost.

    John= Nah, it takes more than a ghost to surprise me.

    Roll= Is everything alright in there?

    (music playing-Morning Morning/ Chobits original soundtrack 1 )Download

    Ciel= Yes Roll, Im just getting John to wake up and get ready to meet the West Abagale city hall, Mr. Biggs. We just received an invitation to his counsel this morning. It will be an hour until then. You better get ready John.

    John= *yawns* Im getting up.

    Ciel= Here, I picked out these clothes for you to wear today. Since I learned your clothing sizes, I picked out a few myself for you.

    John= THESE? Uh, Ciel, let's be thankful im not going to a school for study or a city slum area, cause.... some people who would wear this might get beaten up....

    Ciel= Oh don't talk nonsense, you will be fine. Trust me. *giggle* Oh, and let me do something with your hair too.

    John= I like my hair as the way it is, I like it all loose.

    Ciel= Well, your going to a meeting and you want to be looking your best. Here, let me see what I can do.

    *Ciel began to fiddle around with John's hair. She began to gather up his hair and comb around in some ways John didn't like.*

    John= Ciel... no way, cover up my forehead!

    Ciel= Come on John, Im trying to help you.

    John= But, Ciel. I .... hate.... my ... forehead!

    Roll= What is going in here. John, Don't be such a whiner!

    John= But Roll, Ciel was pullin back my hair, If she wants to tie it back, granted, but at least cover back my forehead.

    Roll= Oooooooh, John! I knew we should've given you a haircut at the salon when we had the chance!

    John= But.... this... is ... my signature look!

    *Both the girls let out a big annoyed sigh*

    Ciel= John, oh alright ill cover up your forehead.

    Roll= John, you should appreciate Ciel more!

    John= I DO! I just Don't want her to go mommy over me, im older than her you know.

    Roll= In, just ... how much?

    John= Well according to the Tardis timeline from whence I came, and compared it to this era, I say im about a millennium.

    *Both Roll and Ciel laugh ridiculously*

    Ciel= Never mind, ... uhh... im sorry if I embarrassed you John.

    Roll= CIEL! John is supposed to apologize...

    John= Roll, shhhhhh, it's alright. Well, anyway we want to go out and eat and get ready for that meeting.

    End of part 1