• A boy named Cole went out one night to look at the stars.He saw this one star and he wished that he could decide between evil and good.A mage came and asked which side he would choose. He decided that he would be on both sides this worked but he would have to agree to something. During the day he would be good, but when night falls he will turn evil. This Cole had to think about this for a week. When he finally made up his decision he said " I would be foolish to not accept this offer but I want to be on both sides on different days."

    So the mage said "You may be on both side on different days if you let me emplant a curse that weakens your super powers. Only for a week you will have weaker powers If you live after that you can be on both sides on different days at full power." Cole said"I will." The mage said "Good now let's extract 25% of your power." Cole said " Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! You didn't tell me that it would hurt this much!" The mage said" There all done you are now at 75% power."

    Cole with 75% of his power starts taking it a little easier until the week was over but the mage didn't jut do a power decreaser curse he did a killing curse surprised ! Cole survived the week after the power decreaser curse but a month later he got an illness called killancters disease he almost died until a angel came and took the illness off Cole. And he lived until he was 1,000,000 years old. The End