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white-fang-demon's avatar

Last Login: 09/25/2011 9:17 pm

Registered: 09/04/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Anywhere you are

Occupation: clown of society

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Total Posts: 552

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Jelly-jar-sama on 07/27/2023
KaraiWolf on 03/08/2021

Stalker information

Hello there, my name is Amanda, but you can just call me Fang. I am a Graphic Design and Digital Media College student who has a passion for drawing. Due to my assignments I am rarely on gaia, however I am currently trying to reconnect with it as well as my previous friends from on here.
I am a real animal obsessor and, unlike many others, have never been able to favour either cat or dog. I just love them both! They all have their own good things and bad things about them. I am very passionate about animal welfare and trying to help creatures.
I have always loved drawing from a very young age and wish to, some day, illustrate my own Graphic Novel and, in a lot of ways, I have gaia and my old close friends on here to thank for that; they always inspired me with our Roleplays and always encouraged me. My real obsession are kemonomimi characters (Humans with animal features, like a neko; NOT to be mistaken for an anthro, which are animals with human features). Here are a few of my favourite characters:

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-Experimental Panther (Panthera Onca) Kemonomimi
-Can give the illusion of being invisible.
-Can split himself into three clones of himself

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-Velociraptor Kemonomimi
-Can run up to 70 Miles per hour
-Can jump 7 meters in a single leap

More of my art at

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My cat Tora (Tiger, brat, mew) and my dog Kiora (kiki, key,baby).
Tora is an unknown breed of cat, probably just a mix of random strays, she is just over a year old and a completely inside cat, as I live in a city and would just die if something happened to her. However, she does occasionally partake in car rides.
Kiora is a pure bred, Siberian Husky who is, currently, just over seven months old. She is very intelligent and loves to run around with her housemate, Karo, the German Shepherd.

Ouran Host Club

Final Fantasy!!!!

Chrono Crusade. The best thing since individual cheeses *new*

stalkers messages! XD

View All Comments

Jelly-jar-sama Report | 01/18/2013 5:22 pm
So, I'm not in your top friends. A certain someone else is, but not me? Boy, do I feel important~
Dawn_von_craven Report | 07/11/2011 1:59 pm
Ummm well Hi Fang, I don't think we have spoken in nearly a year if not a little more. I would love to catch up with you and see how you have been so please pm when you have time.
KaraiWolf Report | 05/25/2011 10:32 pm
yup yup so gimme your MSN and we can RP sometime
KaraiWolf Report | 05/24/2011 12:04 pm
yes we were, we were DAMN good ones at that lol
KaraiWolf Report | 05/23/2011 11:45 pm
We also need to rp again I sorta miss it
KaraiWolf Report | 05/23/2011 12:22 am
yes we havent spoken in a long time since you up and disappeared >.>
Jelly-jar-sama Report | 02/21/2010 7:39 pm
Your right, You do wish.
Jelly-jar-sama Report | 02/12/2010 10:14 pm
Your not allowed to call me b***h in public. That's pillow talk for later.
Jelly-jar-sama Report | 02/12/2010 9:56 pm
My shades alone make my Avi sexier than yours will ever be.
Jelly-jar-sama Report | 02/12/2010 4:59 am
Right and your dull Grey is so epic. pft. My Avi represents a complicated man, someone who's been many places. he wears red and black mostly,and carries two weapons for disposing of trash. He also likes to read and keep his mind sharp. All your Avi does is stand there. Doesn't even bend over or anything =w=

That thing that pops up when i coment in forums

So I said: "I would rather tear off my wings then not see you smile, again.
'Cause, though I have the wings, you are my angel!"

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Welcome to insanity express,next stop, who knows? I'm crazy!


There she is Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5 (final step)


I don't think anyone knows what to say to that