I joined gaia Sept. 11, 2003 so ive been on here since!!!
What i am
i am: a furry
i am: an otaku
i am: in love with charlie
i am: a college student
i am: ^o^ partying down!
Cassies Convention List
Ohayocon- (jan. 6-8 )
Anime Punch- (march 31-april 2)
Animarathon-(April 8 )
ACEN- (may 5-7)
Morphicon- (may 5-7)
Colossalcon-(june 2-4)
Anthrocon- (june 15-18 )
Origins- (June 29-July 2)
Ikasucon-(July 14-16)
Otakon- (august 4-6)
Matsuricon (september)
Sugoicon- (October 28-30)
CASSIE <3 you!
Ryu...Mazu...WTF?!??!! O.O
a little ranting from the imfamous cassie chan
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