Name: CathrineAge: 13
Birthdate: 18/11 1993
Country: Denmark
Sister: Yes, to of them.
Brother: No !
Parenths: Yes of corse.
Friends: Yes, many of them.
I like:
My friends,
When everything goes like i want it to
But i hate:
Nothing, i am a very harmonic girl who love the life, and love the things in it.
Great, now we get so far to. But 4 you who don't understood what i first say, it'll all come here again in a new version.
Let's just start to say that i am a girl (surprise) who love animal's, nature, and my computer (true love, hey, it dosen't have a those, but to do what i click it to). I have a mom and a dad, and 2 lilltesister's there are.... ****** (censorsed) but i live on a kind of a farm in the little country called Denmark. I have 10 cat's, 2 ginnypigs and 5 chikens. Im going in a little school ehit just 210 students ! But i am in the 7 class, and 13 years old.
All right, that'll be al from now on, but maybe i'll put somthing more on it later.
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How Are You???? Hope You Are Fine!! I Send U Lots OF Hugs And Lots Of Love!!! xoxoxo