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Pengaana Report | 05/14/2016 11:23 am
It's one of these links in this post
Probably the first one, I mean the other one's for paws
so like no big deal if you claim it

lol I'm probably being a pest now
Pengaana Report | 05/14/2016 10:45 am
Yo this is the HP item I assumed you'd want
yoshidoom Report | 07/22/2014 5:31 pm
In the latest employee review, my manager told me he can see me behind the big desk if I leave the gas station and go to the store for years more expirience. Buuuut they wanna make me start all over at minimum wage if I go up there. There is no further I can go in the gas station. None at all. If I had been hired into the store in the first place, I'd be making more with my five years on. So, I'm kinda fighting with them on that. They want me up there but they just need to figure out how to do that with me keeping my $10.10/hour if not more. It's all messy -.- sorry lacy hates her job... Will they ever give you more hours at your place? And yeah, Shadow and Sarg are ALWAAAYS playing rough. I just le them, they never hurt each other, it just looks rough lol!!! I love pits. All of mine, all that I've even met, have been 100% sweethearts.
yoshidoom Report | 07/22/2014 3:15 pm
I hear ya! Brady just got a new (better paying) job in June... Just in time for my blazer to crap out so now we've got a car payment with our bills -.- LOVE my new car tho! But since I'm still stuck at Kroger, it sucks. I went so many years without being on here. Then I figured hey! A way to waste time! Especially since Brady and I are on opposite shifts most days. And it's goo to hear luna is well! My boys are good =D Sargent found a baby squirrel a few months ago, he thought he was it's mommy xD it was sweet but he's such a dork! Shadow didn't pay attention to it at all and sarg was trying to lay next to it and cuddle it and stuff. Big mean pit bulls! Lol rolleyes
yoshidoom Report | 07/22/2014 1:45 pm
Haha! I get bored a lot... XD I didn't know you still get on! I've been good, what about you?
Loveable_KiwixD Report | 12/24/2011 5:33 pm
Thanks For Buying 8D Merry Christmas ^^
Pengaana Report | 08/24/2011 9:51 am
Er sorry for the late reply I'm highly distractable it seems sweatdrop
Pengaana Report | 05/11/2011 8:06 pm
Are you quitting Gaia or something?? ;w;
Pengaana Report | 12/15/2010 1:31 pm
I think it looks stupid so I refuse to watch it
Plus I've got like 5 other series on my "to watch" list
and I'm lazy
Pengaana Report | 12/14/2010 11:46 am
Oh wow thank you 4laugh
You didn't remember where you got a bunch of gold
Man that only proves how often you log on xD

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Hey my names Ashley but I like to go by slash. I love anime and japanese pop. Harry potter kick a** too. Some of my fav bands are My Chemical Romance, Good Charlotte fall out boy,Panic! At the disco l ' arc en ciel, gackt and many others. I like pretty much any anime. I am a rp junkie. I'm learning to play the guitar. I love Final Fantasy, Shadow hearts, dragoon and many others video games. I love rent! I'm very strange so please don't mind my craziness. I also very very much like the Anita Blake books. I'm very much in love.
I live in missouri and in college for three years now.
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One of my best friends in the whole world. She has always been there for me. I wuv you kaza

My best friend in the whole world, Crescent!I miss you so much. The only person in the whole world who can capture my heart with a smile. I love you so much. Forever your ~Aryos