Shinny Shinny Hi people No DaI am Nakimi Ishikawa
i just loooooooooove Ryuichi Sakuma
don't you?
hes so cute
n hes hot too
what more can you ask for
hes talented
and just .. everything
i don't really like anime or manga any more
but still i don't mind talking about it
i looove Gravitation though
and thats the only anime/manga you can talk to me about
with out me Un Shinny
cuz then i turn into Dai
Dai is me but its like multiple personality disrder
or maybe a figment of my imagination
but Dai is serious
and is the opposite of me
so ha
peoples say i'm like Ryuichi, Sakuma-san
so yay
and Dai is like Yuki so
no yay
oh yes and i write fanfics
on me n Sakuma-san
so read them
and if you don't then
You're Un Shinny
Shinny Shinny Na no Da
Pika Pika Na no da
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