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music flower

music flower's avatar

Last Login: 05/31/2011 4:40 pm

Registered: 07/04/2006

Gender: Female

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T-MinusZero2SUPERNOVA Report | 08/28/2009 4:35 pm
School, Sam. T___T School... Gahh, stupid ******** freshmen >: | They just think they're the bees knees! *Rage* I'm going to kick "Gabby" in the spleen if I have to put up with her bitchiness for much longer >.>
: D hey, maybe Jacob'll transfer this year. Thats my new goal for the year now.
When do you have to turn in those designs for the t-shirts, do you know?
T-MinusZero2SUPERNOVA Report | 07/22/2009 4:40 am
That's weird, I only sent it once Dx
Gahh, don't torture me with the Penderghast series Dx I'm telling you, I NEED the next book! xD
And guess what! Nobody ever has volume two of Fairy Cube. EVER!! I'm going to kill somebody for that book!
And I feel like such a nerd every time I saunter up to the manga section in search of the one comic I so desperately need. xD I blame you.

T-MinusZero2SUPERNOVA Report | 07/20/2009 9:05 pm
I'm going back in nine days, apparently.
T-MinusZero2SUPERNOVA Report | 07/20/2009 8:38 pm
I'm going back in nine days, apparently.
T-MinusZero2SUPERNOVA Report | 07/18/2009 2:01 pm
Ahaha, that'll be awesome. There's a berry swirl like, right next to my house ( which is like, right next to the school ). I know there's some other stores nearby, too. When I'm done with crdit recovery, I'm going to try getting a job there, too.
T-MinusZero2SUPERNOVA Report | 07/17/2009 3:16 pm
Sounds good :3 we definitely need to try to go shopping before school starts again. Gahh, I really need to get better grades next year, sam. @__@ It's so wierd to think that we'll be juniors...
Anyway, defiant kitty says "NEVARRRR!!! scream "
T-MinusZero2SUPERNOVA Report | 07/15/2009 12:38 am
You shouldn't be laughing D:
It's not like it'll ever leave your head, either : P
Hiedi09 Report | 07/14/2009 5:49 pm
thanks for d purchase ^ w ^ nice pro btw
T-MinusZero2SUPERNOVA Report | 07/14/2009 5:00 am
.-. Nice profile. I laughed a little inside.
Which almost starts to make up for the time you made me DIE a little inside by mentioning certain people wearing bikini tops and short skirts with fishnet stockings and high heels. Thanks a lot. I can never unsee that. mad
Fresita Venenosa Report | 07/04/2009 6:13 pm
That's not TRUE!!!!
...I'm just too lazy to change it T^T
Fresita Venenosa