Updated FAQ! (It's new, it's fresh, it's sexy!)
My Quote of the Day/Week/Month/Year/Decade
"To the face, to the face. "
T3h Description
Full Name: Mai Dixonside Oh Yuu
Eye Color: Blackish/brownish
Height: 5' 6" borderline 5' 7" 5' 10"
Nationality: Filipino
Interests: Sleeping, eating junk food, making fun of you
Fears: Terrorists & gangbangers (a.k.a. nuggerz)
Q: Why are you such a d**k?
A: Cause I'm a sarcastic and angry Pinoy ******** that's why. I'm mad at life. Who isn't nowadays? Idiocy gets me fired up too. I'm watchin' all of you. Do something stupid and I'm going to verbally rape you in every way possible.
Q: Why is your name DumberDan, you're always making smart/"smart" remarks.
A: It's something I like to call irony. If you have gone to grammar school and actually paid attention in class you would know what it is.
Q: Xbox or PS3?
A: Honestly? I couldn't care less. Your console is your console. You can have whatever opinion you want about it, but don't push your values on me.
Q: What is your opinion on idiots on Xbox Live/PSN/General?
A: Everybody has the freedom of speech, which is not to be confused by the freedom to be a complete d**k. I take consolance in knowing that these assholes that we meet and see attacking other users online are just a bunch of worthless nobodies in the real world. They're living off of the support of their parents, they have a low paying job as my school's janitor and get their meals through the government welfare program...so what do they do? Take it all out on us. Hey, not my fault they didn't pay attention in Economics...
Q: How old are you?
A: 17 years young.
Q: WTF is up with your sig?
A: I like to keep a free mind and a very stale sense of humor.
Q: What is your Gamertag?
A: Same as my Username. I play mainly shooters. Nothing else. If you're going to play a puzzle game, buy a jigsaw. I can't understand why people would waster $30 on a puzzler when I could go to the store and buy a 500 piece puzzle for a $5. Same goes for sports games. If you're gonna play a sports game, then you may as well go out and do the real thing. There is no value in sitting indoors and playing a simulation of somebody getting exercise. Once again. Go to the store and buy yourself a football. $10. Racing games are tolerable.
Q: Do you like turtles?
A: Yes.
Q: Should I comment your profile?
A: Please. Negative or positive I love comments. I enjoy negative comments more, since I get to snicker at other people's stupidity. Expect to recieve a comment of greater or equal stupidity within one week of post date. If I do not comment within a week, your comment is free.
Q: Will you donate to me?
A: Fu** off
The Life of an Idiot
The day, life, and everyday activities of everbody's favorite idiot.
![User Image](https://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg181/behindtheficus/find_x.jpg)
...::[x] "I'm not racist; I hate everyone equally."[x]::...
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