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Katsuma-sama's avatar

Last Login: 05/04/2010 9:27 am

Registered: 03/22/2006

Gender: Male


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im katsuma i study tang soo do and a bit of chun ku do and
american freesytle also i would lik to learn kung fu, caporiera, tai fist, and wushu also tai chi!!!


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Miss Quinzell Report | 08/26/2009 6:23 pm
hey despite old times I must say you need some clothes lol, those times are long gone..years hun.
Lagarto Azul Report | 02/18/2009 6:42 pm
Lagarto Azul Report | 11/30/2008 11:55 am

how was your thanxgiving?

i had nachos with mine
Kyon_kuhn Report | 09/22/2008 8:32 pm
I pm you. (Ike stole my internet.)
Lagarto Azul Report | 09/22/2008 7:40 am
oh and i seen Star Wars Force UNleashed for ps2

so i can get one without buying the big expensive ps3


ps3 is more for graphics i say anyways
Lagarto Azul Report | 09/22/2008 7:01 am
well no intenet at my house

but there is power

on my side of the street

the other on the other side got nothing
Lagarto Azul Report | 09/16/2008 7:45 pm
i called her and said happy getting old and s**t

my present to her was

the hurricane named Ike



it was cheap and easy to get

well i don't got anything yet

and i am always poor so i find something cheap like me

maybe cheaper at the time it is now do to Ike
Lagarto Azul Report | 09/15/2008 8:31 pm
you got power yet?

boy it was fun in the flood that came after the hurricane

all the mexican kids playing in it like it is the pool


but funny


but funny
Lagarto Azul Report | 09/15/2008 4:45 pm
i got wter

no power

so tonight i am at my uncle's who is back to normal


no tree fell in my yard

but i spent 2 days clean up and fixing a gate at my house

oh and it flooded near me but no water damge since my house hogh up
Lagarto Azul Report | 09/12/2008 3:45 pm
time to party

Ike is here

i got the beer and the kite

need the bar b que


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