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Registered: 01/29/2006

Birthday: 07/05


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"He told me to look at my hand, for a part of it came from a star that exploded too long ago to imagine. This part of me was formed from a tongue of fire that screamed through the heavens until there was our sun. And this part of me - this tiny part of me - was on the sun when it itself exploded and whirled in a great storm until the planets came to be. And this small part of me was then a whisper of the earth.

"When there was life, perhaps this part of me got lost in a fern that was crushed and covered until it was coal. And then it was a diamond millions of years later - it must have been a diamond as beautiful as the star from which it had first come. Or perhaps this part of me became lost in a terrible beast, or became part of a huge bird that flew above the primeval swamps. And he said this thing was so small - this part of me was so small it couldn't be seen - but it was there from the beginning of the world.

"And he called this bit of me an atom. And when he wrote the word, I fell in love with it. Atom... Atom. What a beautiful word."

"The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds" by Paul Zindel


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Theoretician Report | 07/28/2020 3:13 am
2Bfound1n1 Report | 07/05/2020 6:03 am
happy birthday! Paw-tantistic~ mrgreen
Starlit Ambiance Report | 08/16/2019 5:37 am
Jessibuns Report | 08/23/2017 8:45 pm
You're welcome!
Atakirna Report | 11/15/2013 6:05 pm
Hallo Neuro. ^^ I haven't been active on gaia at ALL either. I came back and.. the inflation. ._. It's everywhere.. "Gaia" should not mean "Earth" anymore. No its new meaning should be "Inflation." All my favorite items are so much more expensive 'cept Lovely Lucie.. u.u Which used to be one of the most expensive amazing items I knew. I don't have any hope of getting any new cute items anymore. Anyway, a belated "welcome back" to gaia to you. sweatdrop
Atakirna Report | 04/17/2013 12:07 am
Aw you're moving? I haven't really watched any either. School school school school school. x_x I really do miss talking to you! crying
Atakirna Report | 04/15/2013 4:42 pm
thanks so much! we haven't talked in forever! we really need to hang out sometime. heart
19venomsnake Report | 03/09/2013 4:17 am
gaia_angelleft gaia_angelright With Creativity everything is possible! gaia_nitemareleft gaia_nitemareright
HakuGlaceon12 Report | 11/30/2012 5:00 am
enjoy your grft???
Arael Sasnunesael Report | 11/02/2012 12:06 pm
No prob.
I know, its easily my favorite anime.


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