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Registered: 04/19/2011

Gender: Female

Birthday: 03/04


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All of the below information was written 10 years ago (LOL who doesn't love the embarrassing teenage version of them.) I logged on after remembering Photobucket was a thing, and here we are down the reminiscent blackhole. If I actually start using this site again, I'll rewrite this. But for now, who am I? I am a pediatric/NICU travel nurse. I am spiritual and outdoorsy and active AF. I am a hiker, backpacker, climber, yogi, and now a newbie mountain biker & skier. I have a purple bludigo aura, and I'm a pisces/sag/libra. So yah, that's the updated version of me. Much love! *insert peace sign emoji because I'm a total millennial*
no, i'm not some annoying noob. this is my third gaia account, and likely not my last.
it seems it gets old, not being able to earn gold quickly enough to buy anything... sighh.

anyways, this account... i'm going to be myself. no worries on anyone who knows me, seeing this. so let's get some things straight;;

-the name's tyler.
-i am a girl, with a boy's name. trust me, the gender of my avi is correct.
-i'm 18.
-i am 2nd in my class. (yes, i'm a stereotypical nerd)
-i've been a vegetarian for almost five years.
-i play tennis, it's my life.
-photography's another love of mine.

i spent the time a month or so ago, to compile 100 facts about me. i know when i'm creeping on other profiles, my favorite thing is the random facts... and maybe you enjoy them as well. so here ya go;;

100 facts about me, that you’d never know otherwise… middle name is Reneé, & i get kinda mad when you leave off the accent mark.
2.anyone who knows me, knows i’m obsessed with tennis.
3.when i was little, i wanted to be a model… with a part-time job at taco bell.
4.i love thunderstorms.
5.history is my favorite subject (if it’s US, and not about government.)
6.i have OCD tendencies, the last time i look at the clock at night HAS to be an even number.
7.i am slightly obsessed with the aliens off of toy story.
8.i spent my intermediate recesses playing pokemon. biggest pet peeve is water in my ears.
10.i love retro phones.
11.i have eight piercings. teddy bear wears a sweater vest. <3
13.i am addicted to Sunkist. cat’s name is Hemi… like the motor. (=
15.i am part Cherokee princess.
16.i want to be a nurse in the ER.
17.i used to tell my parents that cleaning up animals ‘accidents’ made me sick to my stomach (so i wouldn’t have to clean it up…) they are now trying to tell me that i wouldn’t make it being a nurse… oops.
18.i donated blood on my 17th birthday! (the age requirement is 17.)
19.i love photography, and have a Nikon d3000. lyrics describe my life. sister 'n i look alike... but i have my dad's face. & she has my mom's. how does that happen?
22.i have taken all the art classes offered at my school.
23.if i had been a boy, i would’ve been named Tyler… heh, go figure?
24.i laugh at scary movies.
25.i have travelled to over 20 states, and 2 other countries. eyes change colors…kinda. sometimes they have green & gold.
27.i am a klutz... i've dislocated my shoulder (10+ times,) sprained my ankle, sprained my elbow, busted my skull, needed stiches, 3rd degree burns, fractured my toe... etc.
28.i am obsessed with starbucks coffee. come college, that's were my paychecks are going...
29.i am a perfectionist.
30.i HATE feet.
31.i am really shy & self-conscious at school, some interpret this as stuck up & full of myself…
32.i try to be like my dad; for example, i used to spit whenever he did.
33.i also drink my coffee like my dad does (a T0N of sugar.)
34.i have a thing for cars; particularly muscle cars. <3
35.i wear fake glasses; kos they match my personality.
36.i always drink with 2 straws.
37.i am extremely ticklish, especially on the back of my neck.
38.i can spot dents in cars very easily, thanks to my daddie’s job.
39.i have a bucket list; one of them is for my sister ‘n i to visit a walmart in every state.
40.i blush, really bad…
41.i have manly hands & fingernails. /=
42.unlike the average person, i like heights, tight places, & darkness.
43.i L0VE elephants, preferably cartoon elephants.
44.Morgan ‘n i are going to get BFF necklaces. <3
45.i can play the clarinet, & have a guitar. >.<
46.i play the sims, a lot.
47.maria sharapova is my favorite tennis player.
48.jack johnson’s voice is heavenly.
49.i love the words cliché and touché.
50.lil’ wayne’s voice is pretty hot as well.
51.i live in my college sweatshirt <3 (if i told you which college, you could stalk me... /= )
52.i’m going to get a new Challenger, but first i must get a front-wheel drive so i will not die in the ice. (preferably an Avenger after my G6 dies or is given to my sissy.)
53.i love the classics Pride and Prejudice, & Wuthering Heights. parents are divorced, everyone always seems surprised by this…
55.i always seem to fall for guys not wanting a commitment. favorite food is ravioli.
57.i try to be ‘green’ … sometimes.
58.i HATE the cold…
59.i can form my tongue to the shape of a clover.
60.when i am with my sister, we are VERY childish.
61.criminal minds is my favorite show; shemar moore is f-i-neee.
62.if there was a fire the things i would save would be; my baby blanket (woobie,) tennis racquet bag, camera bag, sketchbook, & teddy bear. favorite thing to draw is eyes.
64.i redid my room & spent 3 days packing my stuff up… it took 5 plastic totes & 3 cardboard boxes…
65.i work at American Eagle; i do not feel like i fit into their average employee profile.
66.i have been pretty much every style; preppy, tomboy, emo, bohemian.
67.i love roller coasters; but i cried the first time i was put on one…
68.i am a pisces, & i love anything that has to do with water.
69.i cried when Katie & Orbi was takin off the air.
70.i learned how to spell taco bell before my own name.
71.Mara & i spent hours on harvest moon… virtually farming.
72.i love to ride my 4-wheeler. <3
73.before every tennis match, i read the quote “Some run better than me, some hit harder. Someone always does something better, so having a good, strong mind can help you overcome some of that.” i cut it out of one of my tennis magazines.
74.i finished breaking dawn in one night…
75.i met my best frannn, Morgan, during dance class in elementary school, we did the cancan! hair is naturally super straight… & it’s impossible to hold a curl.
77.i can’t breathe around cigarettes.
78.when i get the hiccups, they go away if my dad scares me. hottub has an ‘epilepsy check’ (only my sissy will understand this…) sister calls my style “grandma-ish” i call it vintage.
81.i once stole a Barbie from my grandparents house… i felt so guilty about it, i was traumatized… haven’t stole since then.
82.i got into a wreck this winter, stupid ice.
83.i also got pulled over going 63 in a 45… & didn’t get a ticket/warning. (i pinky promised the cop i would slow down…)
84.i love kitties, i begged my dad for 2 years to get another one.
85.tubing/waterskiing/wakeboarding make up my summer. <3
86.i have a bald spot on the back of my head, from when i busted my skull.
87.i bite my nails, pretty much constantly.
88.i think it would be so cute if i boy asked to borrow my calculator, & it had a sweet love note written on the inside… (=
89.tiger lilies are my favorite flower. mom says the song “lips of an angel” reminds me of her, not for the cheating aspect. but kos i have such full lips. >.<
91.when i was a child, i was traumatized of ice cream… my grandparents would use that as an excuse to get me to spend the night without my parents. it got to the point i would cry when anyone suggested ice cream. blood is B+, only 9% of the world shares that type.
93.Morgan & i used to play Narnia in my woods… we got pretty into it.
94.unlike the average teen, i dislike sleeping… immensely. i feel like i miss out on something. parents have NEVER had to yell/discipline me for my grades… i take it out on myself.
96.i am most scared of ticks… which is pathetic since i live in the county…
97.when i played Mary-kate & Ashley, i always had to be Ashley. (my sis or morgan, were stuck being mary-kate.)
98.i read love.givesmehope & smartpowned almost nightly.
99.Zoe & i are gonna start a croqueting team, with Mr. Green as the coach! hah. =D
100.i have my own oxymoron; i’m the dumbest genius you’ll ever me. (my daddie told me to put that. >.<) i do well in school…but have my fair share of blonde moments.

well if you don't feel like ya know me enough;; just ask. (=

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Xx-Tebear-xX Report | 06/30/2013 5:22 pm
LOL i believe gathering together would be a fantastic place!!! you need to text me or message me on fb for a weekend you are open! im pretty open book on the weekends. i do not make plans. i am and always wwill be a last minute person. call me up on a saturday and offer a "play date" XD bbahaha! i'll prob hit ya up on it! razz just. don't do last minute through fb. I only git on EVERY now and again throughout the week! razz i have been alot lately bc my brother is leaving for Afganastan here in 1 month. he's stationed in Germany since June 2012. so he's been home 2ce since that time! Anyway, i can go on for hours about my bubba! razz one year of college down! feel old yet? I've graduated with a full time job 0.o i do!
Xx-Tebear-xX Report | 09/06/2012 8:48 pm
Tylee! smile I got home from work and ventured into your profile some how eventually AND for some reason i sat here and read through ALL 100 of your facts! smile I do miss you! You are one class mate i will never forget! Please do not let the world change who you are Tyler because you are someone special! YOUR kindness branches from you to all you are around. Judgmental eyes are a curse I have been given, but not you. Your entire expression always shows open, excepting, and caring. Go far, do well, never give up smile Destiny is in you Tyler! I've looked at us all, and you are the one caring on her memory the strongest! :* xoxo huggs and kisses missy!
<3 Kayela
zombeaf Report | 07/01/2012 12:21 am
thank you biggrin
BellaRose2011 Report | 06/27/2012 6:22 am
You're welcome 3nodding Thank you for selling! mrgreen
Rooshi Report | 06/26/2012 7:46 pm
np c:
Kaori Hana San Report | 06/20/2012 1:18 pm
Kaori Hana San
welcome ^_^ whee
IKilledMyBunny Report | 06/16/2012 6:14 am
Thanks for selling! xD
Sweet Moonbeam Report | 06/11/2012 8:16 am
Sweet Moonbeam
You're welcome! 3nodding Thank you for selling! mrgreen
Rain Pebble Report | 06/10/2012 7:08 pm
Rain Pebble
At the end of an artificial paradise
Deep, deep in the bottom of the earth...

gaia_angelleft Thank you for taking time out of your day to see it heart gaia_angelright

...I am fated to sing prayers
All alone
misshollow Report | 06/09/2012 8:41 am
Thank you very much smile


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dream avi ♥ help appreciated

we're all seekers
on a journey
disguised as dreamers
in a hurry
we're all writing
our own story
make it good
live it fully
-rob r


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