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Kimmai's avatar

Last Login: 07/06/2011 11:22 pm

Registered: 07/10/2003

Gender: Female

Location: California, USA

Birthday: 06/10

Personal Website


Aviart Gallery


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pickleddragoneyes Report | 06/11/2011 8:36 pm
Happy belated Birthday to yoooou,
Happy belated Birthday to yoooou,
Happy belated Birthday dear Kimmai!
Happy belated Birthday to yooooooooooou!
Officer-you Report | 06/03/2011 11:10 am
I was peeking at your uc art shop, and I noticed that you require full payment first
you arent allowed to do that.
It says so in the art shop's sticky.
If the programme you use is public, just dont show them, say you've finished and then tell them to accept trade, and then give them the full version.
OldBoy88 Report | 06/12/2010 9:40 am
happy belated b-day!
pickleddragoneyes Report | 06/10/2010 4:41 pm
Happy Birthday Kimmai!
pickleddragoneyes Report | 11/16/2009 10:28 pm
woops >.< I just realized I quoted your comment. My bad... >///>
pickleddragoneyes Report | 11/12/2009 2:05 pm
About the life drawing class, at first it was a bit awkward. But a little after I started drawing, I guess I kinda thought of the model as a statue instead of a "naked person" infront of me (^-^; ) So, now I'm used to it and it's not so weird anymore. (^-^ )

Yeah... it's pretty lame >.< The other day I asked her if she wanted me to go help a neighboring teacher while her kids were reading along w/ a CD but she said no. So I ended up just sitting there for an hour x_x

Lol! Thank you!

Ohhh okay.
OldBoy88 Report | 11/11/2009 7:51 pm
bleh nothing much or anything interesting
community college blows
trying to look for a job bout it really :/
OldBoy88 Report | 11/11/2009 8:43 am
hey ^^
i can tell so how have you been kimmai??
pickleddragoneyes Report | 11/08/2009 9:01 pm
>.< yeah I know what you mean. T.T I sowwys Kimmai! *supper huggles*

Oh! I saw some of those pictures you put up on Dev. They're awesome! I thought about taking one of those classes but then I wasn't sure... the naked people thing intimidated me >///< Is it really akward?

_ _; I'm super busy all the time. I took a tutoring job, helping 6th graders with reading but the teacher only gives me like 5 minutes per kid x_x I've had so many things due the last few (& upcoming) weeks that my boyfriend had to remind me it's my birthday in 3 days. I honestly forgot >.<;

Other than that it's just been mosly hw, hw and more hw x x
pickleddragoneyes Report | 11/02/2009 9:06 pm
Ack gonk I just saw the comment on Dev. Art *face-palm*
I'm back I'm back I'm back!
Whatcha been up to? How was your graduation!?! Congrats! 4laugh
