Viewing ~Angelina Elven~'s profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


I give up making my own profile code. xD x.x
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As easy as 123
Sustaining left hand
Just like a bass in a band
Come down right hand!
Where I lay down on the sand
Make sure that left hand isn't too loud
Otherwise the teacher will yell
Oh sweet Prelude
Play a la la fei
For me!

Hi, I'm Angelina Elven. I'm really cheerful and energetic! But I can be the oppisite of that, sometimes I act all Emo(I'M NOT EMO! scream ) like because I wonder if I wasn't here, if other lives wouldn't be so bad. I make love songs on the piano and when I'm randomly singing. I'm really good at the piano and composing music. I'm ok at drawing, cging, and singing. I know a lot for my age(which is really really young..) but I'm horrible at math, basketball, and planning. I have an A- average in school, and I look forward to school (most of the times). I love life, I love everything, I love my good enemies, my best friends, and everything that brought my this far. <3 And when I find him, I'll never forget him.

All credit for current profile goes to c h i c k i e. <3

STOP KILLING SEALS! HOW THE *Beep* WOULD YOU FEEL TO BE BEATEN TO DEATH? D:< How dare you seal hunters make it into a sport! DIE SEAL HUNTERS!!!! D<
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Drawn by the lovely Sira_Black. <3
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Feed please? n.n



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/14/2016 6:46 pm


I was looking through the threads of my past and all of my old friends are gone now sad Good memories...

Report | 03/20/2012 3:48 pm


Just stopping by to say:
Your avatar is gorgeous.
I love your profile theme.
I love the video on your profile. biggrin
sch00l r3j3ct 4 l1fe

Report | 02/01/2012 4:39 pm

sch00l r3j3ct 4 l1fe

<3 <3 <3 goodness I have missed you & you haven't been on in a long time.

Report | 04/28/2010 10:50 pm


Wow you REALLY haven't been on in a long time! Don't leave GAIA! D:
Suites Birthday Fairy

Report | 10/16/2009 7:20 pm

Suites Birthday Fairy

Happy Very Belated Birthday

From the Suites Birthday Fairy

Report | 09/27/2009 5:33 am


You have a Cute Avi :'3

Report | 09/07/2009 1:11 pm


Hello Angelina, I bet you thought I had died.

Report | 07/19/2009 9:58 pm



Report | 07/13/2009 6:16 am


hey you, i know you are probably afk... but the fg ball started today!!

Report | 04/14/2009 8:41 pm


i loooove your avatar User Image


I'm back on my Golden Laurels Quest! x3 I will be on a hiatus from August 18th-Christmas Break, I'll still be on weekends..User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.