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the_red_squirrel's avatar

Birthday: 11/18


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Apochraiel on 08/10/2020


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My name is Armand, and I am a graphics artist and a ragular artist I guess, my style is modtl verey emotional art I LOVE emo art because for me when I see it I can relate to it But that dosn't mean that all my art is sad mosty I draw cute little cartoons and stuff but some of my art is a compleat ecspretion of love or hardship of sorts. Moste of my insperation comes from music and stuff, other insperation comes from movies, another thing you should know about me is that I have a strange love (some would say a bit of an obsetion) of squirrels, i'm not shure where my love of squirrels (favorit is the north amairican red squirrel) came from, my guess it the movie Over The Hedge becaus I found myself so much alike the Squirrel Hammy, mostly becaus like him I am random and XTREAMLY HYPERACTIV and that it only gets worse when I have coffy, and I can run really fast too!, and that brings my to the fact that I love to run and I love going fast, my favorit charictor of all time in a video game is sonic the hedg hog, I love going fast so much that I get a rush playing sonic unleashed, well thats about all you need to know about me.

also you can find me at a websit called I am very active on there fourm.

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Lolzasaur Report | 06/15/2019 2:53 am
xd vbvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvfngfgfm
Gothic Earth Warrior Report | 03/05/2015 7:48 pm
Gothic Earth Warrior
Thank you for buying at my store, you are more than welcome to come again any time desired. Hope that you enjoy your product.

Have a good day! gaia_star
fofoso Report | 09/05/2014 5:08 pm
put down the pot or so help me i will drive back to georgia and smack it out your hand then you around abit
Ninja kyuubi13 Report | 08/20/2014 11:42 pm
Ninja kyuubi13
xD thanks <3
Nara3000 Report | 07/07/2014 3:53 pm
Hey!! I did not do anything!! All I did was talk. I'm not low enough to disrespect no woman! you should know that! they should too -.-
Nara3000 Report | 07/02/2014 1:13 pm
Come on man! Mind your own business. I'm just talking. No harm done. They are perfectly fine. Chichi doesn't even seem to have an interest in me anymore! DX It hurts man!!
Nara3000 Report | 06/07/2014 12:03 am
I don't know man. It's hard to act out something like that.
Mizore579 Report | 06/07/2014 12:01 am
He is pretty hot isn't he? ;D
Nara3000 Report | 06/06/2014 10:59 pm
i don know man. Mizore is pretty hot! she just looks so innocent and clumsy <3 i can dig that. rofl
Mizore579 Report | 06/06/2014 10:21 pm
How do you know I'm not the one that made him that way?!

Love numbs all pain.
