I'm so bad at these but I'll try them anyways.
So, I'm Suuiki or Paaam. Yes, with all three As. Pretty absolutely amazing, right?
Anyways, I'm a lurker. And I spend my times on games a lot. If you see me there and I'm not talking, it's not because I'm ignoring you it's more like I'm incredibly focused on the game and rather finish it quickly D<
I am a crazy yaoi fan and a total nerd/dork/geek/whatever.
I go to conventions, cosplay, and talk about the dumbest s**t ever. Sometimes when I talk to people, it seems like I sound really incredibly clueless and dumb. Don't worry, I'm not that dumb.
I just like to humor myself ; D
Then again, there are actual times when I'm oblivious to what people are saying...
Ergh, well, I adore my friends even if I am incredibly mean to them. I can be really really mean to people I hate though. If I hate you, I'll show it by denting walls, making loud noise, death glaring, punching the ground, and s**t like that.
Yeah, I have a temper. But yeah, other than that, I'm pretty nice.
But yeah that's it, I think. I'm not entirely sure what else to type...so yeah thanks for reading? Bye?
(Love her to death <3 )
wafflemunkey27 (7:54:48 PM): Amazing Syao Cow?
wafflemunkey27 (7:55:10 PM): better than a water buffalo?
Indigo Maid Mage (7:56:07 PM): yEs
Indigo Maid Mage (7:56:17 PM): A Water Buffalo Beach Whale Cow
Indigo Maid Mage (7:56:29 PM): It's a very disgusting looking animal too
Indigo Maid Mage (7:56:32 PM): Almost extinct
wafflemunkey27 (7:57:02 PM): But the Amazing Syao cow roam the plains
Indigo Maid Mage (7:57:30 PM): Yes.
Indigo Maid Mage (7:57:47 PM): My species of Amazing Syao Cow tramples the Water Buffalo Beach Whale Cow too
Indigo Maid Mage (7:57:53 PM): That's why they're almost extinct
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