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Siyaahi's avatar

Last Login: 09/12/2023 5:10 pm

Registered: 04/14/2009

Gender: Female

Birthday: 01/08

Occupation: Student



hi im sana! 21/American/Writer&Artist/ they+them

in my heyday I used this website to rp& play zOMG&talk to people &&I never deleted my acct bc nostalgia&it was focal to my life growing up. now that im a baby in college im on here moreso occasionally zzzzzzz

[I don't accept random friend requests]

tumblr << old blog
@zingpeach on twit
if we're friends I have a discord! if we're not I live in a deep and endless void. these are not mutual facts

frozenblossoms -> out of lead -> Siyaahi


View All Comments

Vannequin Report | 08/01/2017 5:18 pm
Hi there! I remember you posted a thread about a Vitiligo Item a few months ago,
a skin mod now exists: User Image
Koichi Wing Report | 06/30/2017 7:00 pm
Koichi Wing
Rawr razz how are you?
Siyaahi Report | 12/02/2016 2:57 pm
simply sultana Report | 04/30/2016 4:41 pm
simply sultana
Itchigotchi Report | 04/24/2016 8:11 pm
Woooooah, haven't seen you around in a while!
Thanks for the birthday wishes- even if they were belated, my reading them was even more belated, so it comes off looking like it was all on time!
Snowcat_Yukiko Report | 12/22/2015 4:20 pm
Thank you fur your purrrchase! cat_mrgreen
The Little Loon Report | 12/21/2015 4:19 pm
The Little Loon
Went to the ballet. smile

But Santa isn't the boss, bratlet (demoted rofl )--he's a clown and a lackey.
You don't see any elves forcibly fattening themselves up to shimmy down impossibly small chimneys, do you?
I guess to summarize it the word mascot would be appropriate. Poor him.

Glad that you're growing up well least from what you're telling me. For all I know you could be running underground gambling rings...etc. Not that this isn't growing up poorly, if you're successful... Confused by the three core classes though. You take six classes for the year, don't you? Math is required for three years (on level kids stop at lower pre-Calc. those on the advanced schedule take Calc AB/BC(1 year ahead) or Calc III(2 years ahead)); and English, despite the level, is required for the full 4 years. The remainder of your classes should be whatever (assuming you're not on level--don't honestly know how those kids did things, but I feel it was more guided given from what little I gleaned from my friends).

You're driving the family to Phili? Indirectly asking if you've your license yet?

Quimzy-kun Report | 12/20/2015 3:45 pm
Though I'm growing the seasonal potbelly along with rest of the country, I'll make myself an elf. More freedom, less responsibility.
I've been an old geezer from the get-go brat. Actually got a pimpstickcane for my first GEIOW xmas here....still have the item too.

Liking it--being a Junior? Well, aside from getting your tush kicked at least...Don't remember if I asked already, but does your school do AP or IB? Ours did AP, but since your in the Northeast, I'd expect IB.
Glad you have your break to relax though. Hope you enjoy it hale and healthy.

Cutting this short cause I'm going to a show with a friend.

Quimzy-kun Report | 12/18/2015 6:17 pm
True, true.
I'm a lot like Santa Claus, huh? Now that I say this I find it disturbing how well it actually applies to me. lol.
Thanks for the compliment. Bratlina is a keen kid, which is why I'm rather partial towards you.
Hope you're doing well or at the very least alright?
The Little Loon Report | 12/16/2015 8:48 pm
The Little Loon

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