i love music - eminem, maximum the hormone, ali project, slipknot, cobra starship, 30 seconds to marsi like sweets - dark chocolate && fruit
i enjoy funny icons -

three random facts - i'm trying to learn a language, pandas are kawaii =3, hazel nut coffee frappuccinos are yummy
i like colors - black, blue, silver (red, white)
i don't like taylor swift or classic/pop rock songs and/or gospel music
i am anti twilight and nobama

I am currently trying get this item:
Har har -.-

Total Value: 174,402 Gold
After Exclusions: 173,142 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Midnight Gothic Bat Boots
Black Neko Cosplay
Heart Eye Patch
Jack'd Skirt 2k6
Cupid's Crown
Bone Scythe
Black Strapless Bra
Treacherous Eloquent Tunic

Total Value: 838,786 Gold
After Exclusions: 690,176 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Labu Necklace
Labu Necklace
Black Cobweb Long Gloves
Midnight Gothic Bat Stockings
Black Pleated Tennis Skirt
Buttoned Down Fauna Boots
Coal Sprite
Black Neko Cosplay
Alruna's Rose 2nd Gen
Nice Style For Work

Total Value: 170,137 Gold
After Exclusions: 107,670 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Black Neko Cosplay
Ribbon Luv Sleeves Black
Midnight Gothic Bat Boots
G-LOL Dark Mistress Skirt
Knot Black Top
Elemental Wings
Prisoner's Shackles
Studded Leather Collar

Total Value: 116,353 Gold
After Exclusions: 35,337 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Dashing Gentleman Silver And Black Cane
Oculus Mythica
Emo Glasses
Celebrity Snare Snoop Dogg's Hoodie
Midnight Gothic Bat Corset Dress
Black Cobweb Long Gloves
Black Kiseru
Midnight Gothic Bat Boots
View All Comments
what's the name of the item that allows you to have this dragon behind you?
watcha doin? nice other account to just sayin.