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The name is anna......

Who am i?

I am my own person. I am crazy and spazztic. I can be annoying.
But then again, so can anyone else. This summer was the best time of my life.
But i really miss the three or four months i spent with my best friend, her boyfriend, and his best friend. They were the most important people in my life.
They broke up, we stopped hanging out. We've drifted. They are still important to me,
The mawll is the best thing that EVER happened to me. I'll never give up on it, no matter what my father thinks.
The people there keep me alive. I'm thirteen. And it's not old enough. I don't really act my age. -to an extent-
I hang out with older kids. I like him, He's better than you. He doesn't like me back. I can deal though. He is still an amazing friend. <3 I Joke around a lot and usually don't take things serious.
I turn everything into a sex joke.
I am NOT a slut. I'm not a drug addict either. I am STRAIGHT. Kinda.>____>;

Do you know me?

No. You might think you do, But you don't. I promise you. There are very few people that know me.


Music is One of the most important things in my life.
I love my music. I listen to all types of music, a little bit of everything, music is very important.
That's a good way to meet me, talk about music.


They are more important than family. I would die without them.
My dad doesn't understand my friends. Or Me. I've finally started to have him understand me a little more.
But he still hates my friends. All of my friends are amazing.
I love you all.

Wanna get to know me?
Well then talk, I'm pretty nice. (:
I won't bite if you don't.


Viewing 12 of 14 friends



Teenangst, Teen angst. Drama. And oh, More teen angst. :D


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 09/27/2009 1:47 pm


Vote for meeeeee!
in the poll thingy.

Report | 05/16/2009 12:49 pm


hi anna

Report | 03/15/2009 3:11 pm


lol...everyone is strange in their own ways and that is the truth....

Report | 03/14/2009 1:29 pm


i can sit still i just hate the fact that my classes are so boring.....especially during the end of the day.....

Report | 03/08/2009 5:19 pm


ugh..i know how you feel about mathematics....i mostly sleep a bit during every mind kind of shuts down and then starts back up again...which is strange and hard to explain......

Report | 03/08/2009 2:11 pm


im not much of a more of a writer....

Report | 03/04/2009 10:28 pm


thats pretty cool that the library stays open that sister works at the local library in town and i believe it closes around 9 pm.........

Report | 03/02/2009 1:57 pm


thatll be really sister works at the local library but the university one is closed at like 6 pm.....i believe that would be a cool project for you to do on your free time.....

Report | 02/26/2009 6:45 pm


i like to write but i never really liked to read....which threw off my English teachers because they said that writing and reading work well with each other....i write in journals and i write a lot when i have to type a page paper i normally make it at least 2 or 3 pages longer.....i think i just dont like being forced to read something that im not interested in and taking tests on it......maybe you should read something of just saying but you dont have to.....just to see how he writes and how he thinks.....idk im strange like that....

Report | 02/26/2009 1:43 pm


actually thats kinda cool.....writers are interesting....i like being a writer myself because you can tell personality by someones first i thought i wasnt related to anyone special....