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KayleeMarie's Journal

I already have a live journal but I guess it can't hurt to have another place to call my own


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

captain p0ser

Report | 12/05/2008 10:09 pm

captain p0ser

Thank you,

your so generous xD

Report | 12/05/2008 7:30 pm


They may not be, but I've wanted them for a long time.

Thank you! User Image

Report | 12/05/2008 7:17 pm


Thank you so much! I've wanted those forever!

Thank you! User Image

Report | 11/24/2008 9:59 am


Aww... I missed your birthday. Happy Belated Birthday! User Image I hope you had fun on your birthday and that you've been doing well in general.

Anyway, I'm just dropping in to thank you again for all you gave me and to let you know that I've actually passed on a very large chunk of the event items you gave me (and one of the magma ears). That means lots more people were happy because of you. User Image Since you gave multiples of most items, I gave one to my brother, kept one for myself and everything else I gave away except for the boxes which went into my storage locker. Though we already had some of that stuff, so we didn't really keep as much as you might think. Even with what my brother and I kept, that was still a lot to give away. I even bought more stuff just to give it away, all in the spirit of generosity. User Image If you're still giving away stuff, here's a link to the Dark Elves Gift Giving Thread where there are lots of generous people who I think deserve presents. I mean, just look at my profile at the list of presents I got. Everything in violet came from the people on that thread (or the original thread that went "poof" after Halloween)! User Image
Sparkling Anon

Report | 10/31/2008 3:30 pm

Sparkling Anon

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Report | 10/31/2008 3:23 pm


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Sparkling Anon

Report | 10/31/2008 3:17 pm

Sparkling Anon

Your making my sister so happy, thank you for her joy made me happy your so sweet!

Oh mrsrachaelsnape my little sis <3

Report | 10/31/2008 9:00 am


Thanks a lot! User Image

Report | 10/30/2008 10:28 pm


Thank you for giving me items!
Hope`s Gentle Dreaming

Report | 07/07/2008 6:32 pm

Hope`s Gentle Dreaming

Happy birthday, Kaylee! *hugs*


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