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dragongirl209's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 07/24

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My stalkers...

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Any rp's or chatterbox nonsense here!

Posts per Day: 0.45

Total Posts: 2725

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People I love... and stalk.

Want to know some things about me? STALKER!!

So you want to know about me eh? Well...
...I love to read books
...I love to write stories/books
...I love to draw avi art (I do kinda stink though)
...I love all my friends! *glomps everyone on friend list*
...I love to clean (no I will NOT clean your house for you)
...I love cooking! My grandma has the biggest and best kitchen
...I love to type things whatever it may be!
...I (get ready for this) love school!
...I love English and Science only when it's interesting (Not like The Pearl or Lord of the Flies)
...I love chocolate yet my favorite flavor of ice cream is Spumoni
...I love people who go along with an rp no matter how many unexpecting surprises there are.
...I love Star Trek series and find Captain Kirk unbearable when he moves from girl to girl every episode
...I love nature and warm days with slight cool winds
...I LOVE music that stirrs the being into motion
...I love communicating with someone over tea or hot chocolate, not over the phone or internet.
...I love dreams, but only when I remember them
...I love to share theories of how I think the earth will end.
...I hate swearing and people who take your rp character's personality and believe that's the user's personality.
...I hate roleplays that aren't thought out and die rapidly
...I hate spam posts and people who lengthen pages of an on-going rp with "bumps"
...I hate chlorine in water
...I hate elusive dreams
...I hate people who think they're so smart and then you ask them what kind of clock has hands on it and all they can think of is "grandfather clock". It's called an ANALOG clock!
...I hate the fact that technology is going to be our defeat since that's a reason for obesity
...I hate characters in rps that suddenly change from cold-hearted to light and fluffy
...I hate people who ask you to speak your mind and then don't pay attention
...I hate how this is still going.

I'm a twin to x-ButterflyMasquerade-x, I have two sisters; my twin and ilikeike, one half-sister, one big brother, one bunny (dead), five cats, and nine eight chickens. DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THOSE BLOODY CHICKENS!! scream

I need any kind of roleplay! Help me!

So now you know about me what about you? blaugh

Hello! Talk to me here!

View All Comments

Pyro-gal Ash Report | 09/23/2010 2:45 pm
Pyro-gal Ash
Haha. Nice. Your avi is very catty.
Pyro-gal Ash Report | 09/06/2010 2:27 pm
Pyro-gal Ash
Aw, that sucks ninja
Pyro-gal Ash Report | 09/05/2010 2:06 pm
Pyro-gal Ash
Hiiii BEvEly!!! Did you ever finish spells magic and wizards or whatever its called? If not I think you should 3nodding
Magma Spire Report | 08/21/2010 8:44 pm
Magma Spire
Well, if you liked that... razz
Magma Spire Report | 08/18/2010 10:12 am
Magma Spire
Cool beans, thanks again. smile
spring messing Report | 08/18/2010 2:37 am
spring messing
cool avi
spring messing Report | 08/15/2010 6:21 am
spring messing
I'm trying!!! But I just went on a four-day shopping spree with my whole class and we might be going on another week-vacation to some old place on Chester!!!
spring messing Report | 08/03/2010 11:45 am
spring messing
Haha! Well, I just found out that all of the data on my laptop disappeared once we got rid of the internet stick, so I'm starting completely from scratch...
biggrin but it's looking alright so far... Well, at least for my level of skill at creating rps.
Forsaken Incubus Report | 04/27/2010 3:46 pm
Forsaken Incubus
Lol feel free to call me Shade. Thats a permanent name for me anyways xD
Forsaken Incubus Report | 04/20/2010 8:30 pm
Forsaken Incubus
lol it has been a while and yes I did xD

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