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Kamarrei's avatar

Last Login: 03/31/2024 4:09 am

Registered: 02/09/2005

Gender: Female

Location: Kauai, Hawaii


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Here's the rest of me

Hey, I'm Tamar. No, not "Tay-mar" - "Tuh-mar".
I'm 19, as of October 18th, 2013. However, I retain the face and voice of a 13 year old.

I live on Kauai, one of the Hawaiian islands. I work in a local grocery store, where I can't reach half the things on the shelf. Usually I hang around CB when I have the time, but I occasional venture out as my needs demand.

Got anything else you wanna know? PM me.
You may also add me on skype(please inform me you are from Gaia)


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PrissyTomboy Report | 03/01/2015 7:18 pm
Hi, Temari.
Karasu_Tenma Report | 01/08/2015 9:12 am
I'm doing a bit better now. My infections are under control. I'm hoping that I don't need a second prescription because my old one ran out today. All in all I'm doing good though.
Karasu_Tenma Report | 01/01/2015 10:53 pm
Well I was at my brothers and we had a big feast and poker night and lots of free booze. All in all it was a really good holiday. Though I found out I have bronchitis and a sinus infection now. >.< I hate being sick.
Karasu_Tenma Report | 12/24/2014 3:16 pm
Well I just got back from a holiday gathering. Life has it's ups and downs and you take the good with the bad right? Also Crazy How?
Karasu_Tenma Report | 12/19/2014 2:13 pm
Things are kind of Rocky on my end but I'm hanging in there. Getting ready for X-mas and stuff. Kind of funny that your phone is broken, because so is mine. lol.
Karasu_Tenma Report | 12/07/2014 11:54 pm
Hey Tamar how are things?
Kurche Report | 07/28/2014 6:13 pm
Just bought your Dander(wow that sounds so weird) and I loved your avi.
Just wanted to leave a comment saying so.
Conis Report | 06/27/2014 1:10 am
I keep everything just about. It's hard for me to part with an item unless I have multiples... because I know, if I get rid of it, I'll want it for something. These days, getting said item back might not be so easy. Best of luck on your vends! I'm off to bed. Hopefully something sells, and the Zodiacal deflates. Wishful thinking, I know. Take care surprised
Conis Report | 06/27/2014 1:04 am
It blows my mind. So many of the things I managed to buy before the inflation would be well out of my reach now. I'm lucky I got my pokeball when I did. It was 400mil, which hurt like heck to pay, now they're trying to push it to 2 bil. And that's pretty typical. I'm also lucky they put all those pokemon animal recolors in the Loyal rig... I wasn't going to get any of the actual ones xd the recolors, however, are very affordable. I also managed to get 2 of the fantasy kitten star animal items when they dipped under 500... those are being pushed up to 2 bil now, too.
Conis Report | 06/27/2014 12:58 am
I'm no good at those page count ones either xp I was dead broke until I started vending, now... well, I'm not dead broke anymore, but with inflation, I'm not rich either. But I've managed to get a ton of nice things, so I'm pretty happy. Every so often I'm able to snap up something I really want cheap, and that usually makes my day. Things in the billions, though, those tend not to dip into my range x.x I've been hoping that Gatcha Genius would deflate, it'd be the only pokemon item (aside from the animal ones) that could come into my reach. But no, it just stays up there in the 3bil+ range. *shakes a fist*



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