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About Riku

Riku Uchiha (うちはリク, Uchiha Riku)
Is the student of Tobi Uchiha, along side Masaru Uchiha.
She was rescued by him at age 13 and plays the role of the Akatsuki subordinate.


Riku Uchiha, or code name Riku Fujita thanks to being half Uchiha and able to go under her father's name when traveling around for safety reasons, is a shy, quiet girl most of the time. She tends to only open up around people she trusts. That being her family, and those she eventually makes friends with. That is.... until her mother got ill.

Riku grew up in a segregated area of Konohagakure No Sato, the village of the Hidden Leaf. Back then she was picked on and bullied by the other kids about her odd skin and the fact she was so different. She underwent such foul names as to be referred to as a 'Bruised peach in a basket of high classed apples'. This caused her to have to get rescued by her cousins quite often when they would spot her. At times when they would see her crying Sasuke would go to punish the brats who hurt her, making them apologize. Although because of this she wanted to get stronger, deciding that becoming a ninja was the best way.

But although Riku was stubborn and strong willed about her decision to become a ninja, her mother firmly disapprove. And insisted that she only work to heal and not kill like her. Becoming enraged she lashed out by pleading with her two older cousins to help her learn Ninjutsu, while she studied Taijutsu on her own. She would learn small things over time, mainly from Itachi when he had the time. It seemed she excelled in Taijutsu, and things like tree climbing along with water walking, with a few embarrassing mishaps.

By the time she was seven, her skills in healing had improved greatly and she would cover up her training she did with her cousins by saying she was going to play with them, then later come home with a basket of medical herbs. Her mother would be so pleased she would ignore the fact of anything else she returned with. Such as, cuts, bruises, scrapes or anything else that showed signs of her training efforts.

Her mother was given a mission soon after. Or more, she received a letter from a village where no ninja lived. Their young prince had fallen ill and had need of desperate medical attention. Being friends with the head leader to that village, she had no choice but to ask to go. The Hokage was so touched by her words that he granted her seven days to go, handle the situation and come back, but no longer.

Her mother, deciding it to be a good learning experience, decided to bring her seven year old daughter with her for assistance. She told her daughter and explained they would be leaving within a few days. Feeling confused at why she had to go, and angry because she had to leave behind her secret training, she went to her two cousins and explained the situation. In a way, they were really her only friends then, so she was a bit upset about leaving them behind. Still, she used what days she had to pretend to prepare for the trip, and train in the forest.

On the day of the departure, she felt a bit sad after saying her goodbyes to her cousins and her older brother, father and two year old sister. Somehow, it felt like the last time she'd see them. Still, it was probably because this was her first real trip so far from home for such a extended amount of time.

It was about two days and they had nearly made it there, when some thieves came after them. Full of fear, noticing that they had been rouge ninja, and without options thanks to limited skill, they chanced the two of them until they came to a severe drop. She tried to hide behind her mom who was trying to protect her, but in fear, she stepped back too far and the edge behind her started to crumble. As she started to fall, her mother grasped hold of her in a desperate attempt to protect her small child. Both plummeted to the bottom and her mother and her struck their heads on the way down, leaving them unconscious. Her mother suffered a minor concussion, and the two were out of it for about two days. By then, the ANBU had been sent out by the Hokage's advisers to check up on them. They found them knocked out and the bottom and assumed they were both dead. Poking them with their swords to see if they would finch, but got no reaction from ether. Still, they were going to remove their heads, just in case.

As one went to swing their sword, the rouges came back, surrounding the area, and outnumbering the three ANBU. They decided to send one away to deliver the message and leave the bodies where they were, to inform the village of their death. The two who had sent them away were killed, and the third was captured and torchered for a little over a week. When the ANBU finally got free and escaped, they returned directly to Konoha. The clan and the Hokage, as well as his advisers where informed of the two Uchiha's deaths. Although villagers from the Village By The River were out looking for the two of them when they never showed up. Finding them in that state, they brought them back and nursed them back to health with what limited medical supplies that had.

Within a few days, the two awoke, her mother the first and began slowly recovering before going to work on the boy who wasn't too much older than Riku. Riku soon too awoke, feeling the pain that reminded her of a headache, but it wasn't too long before she was up and moving. The elder of the village brought her to her mother, who was speaking to a ninja whose village was demolished a few years ago. He was the only ninja there and began looking after Riku when her mother didn't need her assistance. His name was Ichimaru and he was about sixteen years old.

It was no more then two days when the child started to get better and her mother explained she and Riku would have to return home. Riku and her mother weren't walking but a few hours when they overheard two people walking along the road. They heard them mention about their clan and how it was whipped out by a rouge Uchiha named Itachi who went insane. Her mother pulled her and herself behind a tree and hid as she listened further. Deciding it wasn't safe to go back, the two made their way back to the village they had come from, deciding to live their lives under Riku's father's last name. Fujita.

Although when Riku turned ten she found that her mother had contracted some desise she wasn't aware of. With only the limited knowledge taught to her by her mother, she could only watch as her mother died slowly. She had to snap out of her childish shyness fast and learn to become mentally stronger if she wanted to make it. Although the villagers and Ichimaru who had decided to stay and live there, still looked after her, she was forced to handle things at home herself. Looking after her mother constantly and making sure she would be comfortable. Although at times Ichimaru would help her out. At one point, she ran out of medical herbs she needed to make the medicine used to treat her mother.

It was night when she noticed that the jar was empty, or at least it was close to it. But she was desperate, and unknowing of the storm that was coming in fast, went out to look through the forest for some to replace them. She looked for hours when she started to notice that it was starting to rain. After collecting what she could, she ran till she found a cave, that rested atop a hill. Rushing in, she took shelter within to get out of the rain which quickly progressed into a full blown storm. She was fine until an odd feeling started to pester at her. A ticklish, itching feeling. It was then that the lightning flashed and her eyes grew wide in fear as the lightning eliminated her and showed possibly around twenty spiders covering her body. Or at least thats how many it seemed. Thunder boomed, and another flash as lightning sparked in front of her. Again, she saw them, some biting her, others crawling into her cloths.

In a fit of panic, she cried out and rushed out of the cave, only to trip, sliding on the wet grass and tumbling down the hill. Her arm was twisted behind her and she cracked her head against a rock, although luckily didn't pass out. With haste, and a stumbling panic, she made her way to her feet and brushed and patted all over herself, although the spiders had already ether jumped off, been crushed or fell off when she was tumbling but in her mind she couldn't think of anything but to get them all off. Without another thought, she rushed home through the booming thunder and illuminating flashes of snapping light. When she got back, she dropped the herbs, and then started stripping down to her bare flesh and rushed into the shower, collapsing into the tub as hot, water flooded over her. Her eyes trembled in utter, traumatic horror. Not once did she ever speak of that day to anyone, not even her mother and it was a few days before she spoke much at all.

After about two years later, Ichimura told Riku how proud he was of her and how amazing she was to be so strong and deal with the trials of taking care of her sick mother without a word, or so much a point of breaking from how hard it was. Then right after, he told her that one day, he would make her his wife. She was a bit taken aback by this, but still smiled and nodded happily in response. Although two years later, her mother died, leaving her with an ache in her heart and a need for comfort. Ichimaru was the first thing on her mind.

Without a second thought she ran into the forest where they normally would meet and went to tell him with tears in her eyes. When she found him though, he wasn't alone, but atop of one of the older girls from the village. Seeing him like that, her already aching heart broke and she felt her knees shake, nearly causing her to collapse. But he turned around and saw her there, causing a panicked expression to come to his face.

Without a word, she turned and ran, heading for the river as fast as she could. She could hear him cumming, racing after her, calling out but she wouldn't stop. How could she after seeing that? What excuse could he possibly have for such a thing? When she made it to the river, she immediately darted across the wet, moss filled log that was often used as a bridge. But she was going too fast, and in such a frantic mess that she forgot to be careful.

Within moments she was off the log and in the river bellow it. The current pulling her under while a panicked Ichimaru stood on the log, with a fearful expression. That was the last thing she saw as she was pulled down into the cold and fell unconscious after a few minutes, unable to get a grip on anything and unable to fight the current. When she woke up, there was a man standing over her wearing a mask over his fast. An orange, striped mask. He told her to refer to him as, Madara Uchiha for the time being, with Zetsu near by him. This man was Tobi.

When he eventually began to trust her more and became close with her, he eventually told her his real name, Obito.

After three weeks of being taken care of by the masked man, Obito began the training to help her get strong and learn how to fight. Finding herself as the man's student now, she began training constantly under him with her new weapon which he was teaching her how to use, along with a number of other weapons to help increase her taijutsu skills, along with hand to hand combat.

She spent three months under him until eventually, the day came that he had to return, back to what he told her was called, Akatsuki. He explained that his traveling was over and that he had been summoned back. Not wanting to be left alone, she plead with the masked man to allow her to come with him, to stay by his side until the end. She wanted him to use her as his tool, giving him full control over her.

After she joined Akatsuki, working as a medic, as well as ordered to cook, clean and look after the base while everyone was gone. She took pride in her job, but often found herself lonely and sad. For this reason being that because it was her job, she was not 'thanked' for doing it and so felt depressed and unappreciated. Especially on holidays.

Riku also is deeply in love with one of the Akatsuki men. Deidara, the blond bomber. But because of her not wanting to be hated by him, she keeps it to herself and yet continues to pine secretly for him. She also fears being rejected, or scolded, yelled at, or insulted by him for her feelings as well and feels it better to care for him without being hurt. Although, theres just one other problem, even if she did confess. He hates Uchiha, so her fear of losing what friendship she has with him knowing that fact bothers her to a point of fearing her own affection.

Part II

Kazekage Rescue Arc

Soon after the death of Sasori, Riku took it upon herself to clear her head in order to get over her friend's death and went to Konoha to get supplies for the Akatsuki. Some medical herbs, and other such things she could only get in Fire Country. But while she was there, resting at the memorial, she found out she was being watched. Riku grabbed by the ANBU Black Ops when they noticed a piece of the Akatsuki robe that hung out of her pocket from the plushie she made of Deidara when she went to stand up. She was locked in a cell with nothing but the picture of her family and the plushie she made, she managed to swipe without notice.

She underwent brutal torcher while there, being burned, cut, kicked, and evern went through whippings, among other things, being beat with a bamboo rod over and over while holding in any cries of pain to show no weakness. She held back booth sight and sound of any dis-enjoyment.

There for months, she stayed in the cell, as they tried to get information of the Akatsuki from her, with the occasional meal brought in on a tray. Day after day she was whipped and kicked, spit on and starved. The only gasp of sanity she had left finally slipped away when she learned of Deidara, Hidan and Kakuzu's deaths by one of the ANBU. But to top it off, he also told her that her cousin Sasuke was also assumed dead. Unable to deal with this pain like the physical beatings she endured, she broke down. The man placed a tray of food within the cell, then left while she collapsed to her knees and echoing cries of misery came from her cell. She was a puddle of mess on the ground when the guards came back. Her eyes were sore and her face was red from crying. She simply lay on the ground, shaking in horrible, emotional agony. Still clinging to the picture and the doll.

Seeing that the food had not been touched, one of them came in and forced the meal down her throat until it was gone. Of course, thats what she wanted. While her blank eyes shifted to watch one guard go to stand watch by the door, she then began to fight the other. All of which was a diversion.

While he was busy fighting with her to eat, she moved her hand up and grabbed the spare key he had on him and slipped it under her back. When the man finally backed off, and relocked the door, the two left with the empty tray. That night, when there weren't many guards, she gathered up what energy she had and slid her hand through the bars, unlocking the cage. She then tucked her things she had on her into her vest pockets and went around sneakily, and quietly from room to room till she found her things that they took.

After getting her stuff put back on and her things in the right spots, she slid about until she found the morgue. When she got in there, she looked around until she found the corpse they brought in of her team mate, Kakuzu and then gathered as many threads from his lifeless body as she could, after apologizing to him.

When she thought she had enough, she put them all into her pouch and slipped out of there to find the way out. After she slipped around the village, trying to stay out of sights while being careful not to be spotted by the ANBU who went out looking for her now that they knew she was missing. Overhearing some boy telling his team about what he did with the body, she narrowed her eyes and took off for the woods. It took her awhile but she finally found the spot where the dirt was overturned from the explosion and began digging up the mess. it took hours, but she managed to retrieve all the limbs by morning, putting them in a sack before returning to Ame.

Bringing the limbs to her own secret spot, at the falls she hung out at, she carried them up into the cave behind the falls and sewed him back together carefully. She was there for hours, but finally managed to get everything put back in the right spots and still had a few extra pieces of string left. Now that that was settled, she wrote up a note for him and laid it on his chest saying;

"You're welcome. I'll be at the base, so come home when you are able to move again. I'll bring you some ribs whenever I get the chance, please stay there till you are sure you can move well. Your weapon is resting on the wall, I washed it and shinned it for you." ~Riku

Itachi Pursuit Arc

When she got back, she retreated into her room and didn't come out for days. Although on the day Itachi came by to visit, and had informed her that Sasuke was indeed still alive it only eased some of the pain. Food was often left by the door for her outside the room of her apartment, but she would rarely eat.

She hadn't cried since the prison and was struggling with her mind to force away the pain, but thoughts of the blonde kept over ruling her and her sanity. Sweating, panting, and gripping her head she often found herself doing as a splitting pain ran through it while a horrible burning feeling ran throughout her entire body, with feelings of threatening to rip her apart.

The loss of Deidara nearly threw her over the edge and it was a long time before she actually managed to push them back to a certain point that she was able to force a smile. During that time, unknown to her at that time, she awakened the Mangekyou through her suffering.

Not long after Deidara's death and things started to seem to get better, Riku heard from Tobi that Itachi had lost his fight against Sasuke and was dead. Riku fell to her knees and shook with wide eyes as she tried to force it all away. Tobi explained also that Sasuke was seriously hurt, but that he would be alright after getting patched up. Still, her heart fell and she remembered the last conversation she had with him. It was some time after she recovered from Deidara's death. She begged him to allow her to find Sasuke and explain the truth to him, but he shook his head.

She then begged him to allow her to use the medicine she came up with to cure him fully over a short period of time, and he smiled and told her to simply keep him alive long enough to fight Sasuke and not waste the medicine on him since he wasn't going to last much longer. She cursed at herself and mentally told herself how stupid she was for allowing it. She could've saved him if she had done what she felt was truly right.

When Tobi moved Sasuke into the cave, he came at got her after and had her tend to Sasuke's injuries to treat them and bandage him up before he woke up. After that point, she told him she would need some time to herself, and left for her secret hangout spot in the forest outside of Takigakure's village. While Tobi was dealing with his plans after that point, she was busy mourning both Deidara and Itachi and trying to take time to pull herself back together.

Because of her master's overprotective concerns for her safety, Riku wound up sheltered even more than she used to be after the death of Itachi and Deidara. Why, she could only guess was possibly because of that two of people who used to hang out with the most no longer were alive to look after her while Tobi was busy. Although because of this, Riku became even more depressed, though by looking at her alone, one wouldn't be able to see it. All the frustration and the stress she felt from being sheltered was turned into energy for training as a desperate cry of hope that her master would see her potential and place her in the front lines to help out with his plans.

This attempt seemed to fail at every turn she took and he simply moved on with his plans without her, leaving her to herself while she trained as hard as she could at her hangout spot in Takigakure. Occasionally whenever she could manage the hike from her body being so worn, she would travel to the place where Sasuke and Deidara had their fight and Deidara died. When she couldn't walk, she would fly on her summoning, Kodosu. A giant crow.

Extra Stuff

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Please click on my babies~!

Riku's Life

View Journal

Story Of Riku

What you will find here is the writeings of Riku Uchiha. One of the very few survivers of the great Uchiha Massacure. All of what she has written here is that of her life. Things she feels and has witnessed.


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FollowHisDreams's avatar

Last Login: 09/08/2021 8:35 am

Registered: 07/14/2008

Gender: Female

Location: Where she is told to be

Birthday: 09/29

Occupation: Kunoichi


View All Comments

NecHocNecIllud Report | 04/30/2011 3:36 am
Thank you for buying my Polar Bear Paraplush.
xDoom2societyX Report | 04/27/2011 8:05 pm
Pshaw~ I'm that Cecil that commented on your status btw xD
xDoom2societyX Report | 04/22/2011 10:13 pm
Pssst. Riku. Wussup? xD This is Sui-san in case you don't remember. Just commenting to say hi~
Koete Omedetou Report | 09/26/2010 12:11 pm
Koete Omedetou
Heh. . .
Time to try and pull even more away from Dei. . .
I don't think I'm like Deidara. . .
Koete Omedetou Report | 09/26/2010 11:50 am
Koete Omedetou
Good. . .
I'm glad. . .
You had me worried I upset you.
Koete Omedetou Report | 09/26/2010 11:13 am
Koete Omedetou
You're not mad at me for making my character a b*****d at the moment are you?
Now you have me freaking out. . .
( / bites nails )
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
Koete Omedetou Report | 09/26/2010 9:34 am
Koete Omedetou
Hehe. . . I'll forget so early is on time for me.
Ugh. . .
Now to have Deidara throw his bit*h fit in fiction. . .
Koete Omedetou Report | 09/26/2010 7:08 am
Koete Omedetou
Happy Birthday~!
Allorain Report | 07/11/2010 11:10 am
I have to log off for a few hours! I shall return later! : DD
Lady Sakqia Report | 07/05/2010 11:07 pm
Lady Sakqia
^^ Thanks!



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If it means my life.. I will protect my friends..