
Age; 18
Location; Australia QLD SunshineCoast
DOB; 13/9/92
BloodType; B Positive
Sex; Female
Likes; Soccer;Art;Vodka;Music;Butterflies;Grey;Black;The little things;
Those cold, rainy nights where you do nothing but sit at the windowsill and watch the sky come falling down to earth...
Dislikes; Cricket;ValentinesDay;Beer;Children;Purple;Backstabber's;Wingers;Impolite people;People asking for gold/items;Basically, people in general
I have learned;
the people you care about the most will screw you over
guys are all the same
you can't judge someone until you know their whole life story
your life can fall apart in a second
everyone has their secrets
the law is ********
the people you want to come home never do
no one can be happy forever
the worst part of a person is the easiest to find
no matter how hard you try there is something you miss
people throw the word 'love' around like any other...
In contrary to all of this, i do like comments, and i do like pm's, and i do like to get to know someone before making any judgments, so if you want to talk, whether it be that you want to get to know me, or you just want someone to yell at for a while, i'll make an effort for you.
[center:c3efc4a547] [b:c3efc4a547] [i:c3efc4a547] Tigzies[/i:c3efc4a547] Avi Art [/b:c3efc4a547] [/size:c3efc4a547][/center:c3efc4a547]
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