<img src=http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k67/False-Noodle/Animated-Constellation-Aquarius.gif>
'' The True 'Meaning' and 'Definition' of Color '' |
Alright so by this point in the state of evolution within the constant status of 'living' we have all but conceded to the formal application of 'fact' within color. But how many of us know the 'true' or perceivably 'true' meaning and 'definition' of color. It is merely another means to 'classify' or establish 'prejudice'. So that must mean it's time for me to turn the very basis of logical conclusion behind it into conception of an indefinite state of 'existence' or lack-there-of. Soooo...
Let us begin shall we?
In the very beginning there was only darkness.. That is, THE beginning, before the 'beginning', there was not even consistency for a logical conclusion of a possibility for darkness, as not even gaia had an essence of 'conscious'.
... Alright,moving on- With the application of 'light' or what we've concluded to BE 'light' in contrast to the darkness the application of infinite established its 'self' in perceptional,or conceivable 'visual' status. Which as a result created 'color' So what is 'color'? It is in essence a bi-product of your 'eyeball' or 'eyeballs' or lack-there-of in consistency with the application of logic,or conceived and established logic within your mind. So what is the true 'effect' or even 'basis' for 'color'? In broad application of somewhat 'agreeable' definition in pursuit of true 'meaning' as a coordinated effort amongst all existence.. 'Color' is bi-product of 'density' or 'layers' of physicality or the essence of what we perceive around us. the element of color in short is the resulting 'tone' consistent with the ability,or process of light penetrating the surface of everything you see around you and reflecting back to the source and on to the depths of everything around it effectively making light 'permanent' and 'everywhere'. Darkness,or what we perceive as truly 'black' or 'devoid of color' is the inability of light to penetrate the density or lack-there-of in the essential 'existence' of presumably 'defined' essence,or 'property'.
Basically 'color' is at the very sense 'in the eye of the beholder' as it is always viewed and perceived differently. So next time you decide to 'classify' someone based on 'color' simply remember that we are all the bi-product of 'light' and 'darkness' and the 'tone' you see is what makes our physicality in part 'truly' unique. Which in short means color can never 'truly' be 'classified' making you 'inconsistent' if you force this application of logic.
At any rate everything perceivable is also 'opinion' or 'lack of established truth based within the concept of 'consistency'' as 'fact' or 'fiction' never truely exist so try not to be disheartened by my conclusions. Have a pleasant day.
False Noodle · Sat Sep 02, 2006 @ 09:55am · 0 Comments |
'' 'Impossible' and 'Improbible' Denied in Conception '' |
Today I will explore briefly the relevance of the terms "Impossible" and "Improbable".
Alright so by now we are all but acquainted to the logic behind the term of rationale, given substance and meaning, in a predisposed mindset, resulting in conception of, "Impossible". So what is it's true meaning? Well in theory it's a means for the human mind to ward off conceptions such as the existence of pure evil, and 'monsters', within the world. In other words, if you don't understand something, or are intimidated by it. The product resulting from application of the description "impossible", is means to move beyond the gray areas, on to a new string of more rational thought.
You always hear people say, "There is no such thing as impossible", which is to a degree, true, however the concept of impossible resides within all of us so that gives it meaning, and conceptual definition, which contributes to the theory, all things are related, or linked to one another, correlating to the theory, for "Every possitive is in contrast to an equal, opposing negative", or "For every action there is a reaction", which ties into the philosophy of my own that there is a point where nothing resides and ties into the plains of existence and an equal and opposing non-existence.
In terms of rational thought, impossible, holds true in conception however it defies the logic behind it's conception. You can conclude that a cow can never jump over the moon but it can orbit around the moon and manipulate the motion of 'jumping' in the space around it while there is no clearly defined top or bottom of the moon.
In short things are never as they seem and in a constantly evolving state of existence new possibilities open at the very conception of progressive time. So there can never truly be a state of impossibility, as it is simply a matter of evolution catching up to the state of your thought processing ability as a consciousness.
Now let's explore the term "Improbable".
Alright, so this is a bit of a gray area, as elements of physical existence contribute to the circumstances correlating to the probability of an action being taken, then new circumstances are applied to the probability of the action being accomplished, assuming the establishment of probability is 'successful' adversed to a premature chain of events resulting in end of correlation coming into existence. So something can easily be declared "Improbable", however for every statistic of "improbability", there is an equal, opposing statistic of "probability", so no possibility is "definitive", or "Impossible", there is always a neutral basis for the logic behind probability and improbability.
Again existence as a whole signifies limitless possibility, so the terminologies and analysis we use to define circumstances will always be to a degree, primitive in conception and implicated status of notion.
This is my thought of the day, I may post again later depending on my level of inspiration at various points in time.
For now farewell, have a pleasant day.
False Noodle · Wed Aug 30, 2006 @ 04:03pm · 0 Comments |
'' Initialization and Capitolization! '' |
For my initial post I will explain in brief,or brief in terms of my usual overbearing descriptions,an overlay of the fundamentals of who and what I consider myself to be. What this is all about.. Well for starters I must divulge into detail the topic I touched on in my headline. I should apply it in the form of a question. Have you ever asked yourself "Why am I here,why are we as a species even residing on the plain of existence?" While I cannot answer this in terms of proof or disproof the conclusion I've come to is that we are here in representation of physical form to tap the boundless pools of knowledge that exist within the mind of every creature on this planet and apply it to the physical plain. In rational terms we are destined to give the thoughts we conceive a physical form. While many would disagree with me this is my opinion and what I firmly believe in. This is a virtual compilation of my opinions,thoughts and endeavors as a human being after all.
So by now all who have read or even briefly glanced over this must be thinking "Wow this guy is insane" which in short is true. I have been diagnosed with everything from bipolar to schizophrenia as well as anxiety and while I have traits of each of these generalized terms I defy the very logic that brought them into conception. In other words nobody knows what the hell ails me and no medication I have tried has come to any effective result, other than causing me feel incredibly stoned and hung over. While "mental illness" is conceived primarily as a cursed state of existence it is also a gift in the circumstances surrounding my own existence. At times I've faced volleys of unprecedented,uninspired and quite frankly frightening emotion which seemed to come in waves stemming from somewhere deep inside of me. However as I have grown and matured I have more or less moved beyond this part of the "illness" and I have tapped something that has influenced everything I perceive.
As a result, what people consider to be genius has awoken inside of me,at least to a degree. While I can't declare to be a true genius without sounding like an egotist that is the most versatile description of the subsequent pattern of thought process consistent with my perceptions of what is real- Physical, Metaphorical, Conceptual Thought, which give purpose and meaning to what can be considered 'unexplainable' by those who are afraid or not yet capable of exploring this territory. In terms of relativity the theory,or fundamental knowledge is that if you can give something without physical form or presence meaning and definition in contrast to the human senses it gives it a certain element of reality which is not to conclude that belief of such things as "If I leap off of a skyscraper I will sprout wings and fly." has any place in rational thought. It is at the very essence subconscious and boundaries need to be explored while also being clearly defined.
In short I have tapped the surface of what resides within each consciousness and the conception of an equal AND opposite sub conscience. I have subsequently defined to somewhat of a relevance in rationale the very essence of these very basic,almost primal thoughts. Basically,I believe to an extent of what I can feel with my senses and perception in a conscious state that I have been endowed with the ability to explore the uncharted depths of the human mind at an accelerated rate. And in sequence I believe in a singular state of consciousness that I refer to as "The Source" or in religious terms "God" or "Gaia" Which isn't to say it's a big man or woman floating around in space but a point that defines existence and non-existence. "Ground Zero" as a common explanation. The point where the very concept of reality came into a state of existence and non-existence being defined at the core as "nothing" and on the surface two sides to "everything". The relevance of all of these thoughts is the very basis of all religion. It is simply easier to process and digest these thoughts if you give the face of a man or woman to the source of all creation.
I also believe in essence a chain of evolution that leads ultimately to the unification,or merging of all individual consciousness and the source of all creation or "Gaia" as I refer to 'it' or 'her'. The most primal I believe to be an existence of pure thought that leads in all directions rationally and irrationally while the evolved state of this is the influence of energy applied to rational thought which moves up the chains into more physically,emotionally and conceptually advanced forms of 'life'. I don't believe human beings to be the highest form of life, but potentially a medium,which contains all of the elements applicable to the conception and perception of sentient,spiritual and rational life. I believe the highest form is singularity in the very source from whence we came perhaps we return with a better understanding of what is created from within. I don't know or even have basis for the advanced,or evolved forms from the human state of consciousness but I do believe unless a human being became 'anomaly' and tapped into senses and depths that we are not yet aware of we will never perceive of this state of evolutionary form of consciousness. Perhaps we will never agree on any of this and perhaps this theory as a whole is completely unorthodox and should hold no merit to anyone other than me. Or perhaps it is truly fundamental knowledge that should be explored to further depths.
In conclusion the human mind is a limitless number of knowledge fragments in an endless pool,perhaps genetic memory of the source and the expansion from it. This is perhaps a way of simplifying something that can never successfully be defined by words. Here is my attempt at an explanation-The knowledge of everything exists within the human mind, or 'consciousness' as tiny dots, or memory/knowledge fragments. We don't truly learn anything from the plain of existence other than a means to connect those dots and tie them into a larger picture within our mind. This is why I have explored the theory of being connected to a singular consciousness,or a source of all existence.
This is.. Too much to digest,I know better than anyone of this fact. It is hard to absorb these thoughts and even harder to make sense of those and it's far from easy, however, while in the past I have all but given up on understanding it all and receded to a desire to simply not exist at all.. I am now inspired to apply this knowledge, or theory if you must, into the world around me. These are my "Chronicles" if you will. Those who are interested can view my journal on Gaia Online and follow my endeavors into the world as well as engage in discussion on topics such as animation,gaming,fine arts,music of any sort,religion,politics and any other subject you desire to bring to light.
So you are asking yourself "Why would I want to speak to or even associate myself to this guy?" Well that my friend is in the eye of the beholder. While I may not be a genius in rational terms I am an intellectual creature and I am truly open minded. I like to view the world from many perspectives and finding and learning of another persons perspectives on just about anything is to me much like receiving a priceless gift. So if you want to experience something remarkable and unremarkable in the same sense we can come to an arrangement for any discussion you may wish to participate in.
I have made both viewing of my topics and posting comments on them public domain to both make friends and to receive criticism which I need from anyone who is willing to take the time to investigate who and what I am,or simply have a laugh at some of my lighter thoughts. I won't restrict this journal to intellectual pursuits while that is the main focus,comedy is also important as it makes the world go around so try not to take everything too seriously.
False Noodle · Tue Aug 29, 2006 @ 06:54am · 0 Comments |