So. Onto one of my random vents!!! of.. stuff!
So. Here I am at the office using a public computer for my own personal uses.. hehe just cuz the kids are on mine. -.- Damn siblings. OMG and theyre going to take over gaia!!! what am i going to doooooooooooooooooooooooooo? >< and damn it mal has been here too long shes making me use "!!!" and extended words!!! curse her!!!! and stuff.. and other stuff... DAMN IT MALLARIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -fires her- lol ok yes so anyways. OMG no one is talking to me on IM and im all unloved and stuff... well wait Dante is.. he said "why". I dont remember what im talking to him about.. anyways. I'm waiting for CJ to text me but no, hes forgotten i exist -pouts- i am so unloved. -sad, dramatic sigh- and if he ever reads this he'll probably just call me a drama queen.
By the way - I WANT THE SHINY CROWN!!!! DARN YOU CJ!!!! though i do love you ^^ but yes so anyways. Next topic.
SCHOOL SUCKS SOOOO FRIGGIN MUCH!!! DAMN SKANK BIATCH BREE!!!! -hits her over the head- well okay maybe not really but you have no idea how much i wanted to hurt her -.-
Kidnap the sandy claws beat him with a stick, lock him up for 90 years see what makes him tick!!!
...................... that one was mals fault right there.
Daine Salmalin · Sun May 06, 2007 @ 07:37pm · 0 Comments |