Hello! And welcome dear fan to my journel! For now on, I've decided to update my journel wayyy more often, so you can 1. Learn about me. 2. Likkkke me. 3. So you can benifet. (e.g Homework help, so homework is easier for you)
This is my aim list.... to be edited... O To upgrade my house blaugh O To add a bit on an entry on my journel of some homework help. sweatdrop O To talk to a duck about life. sweatdrop O To run around burning ants with a magnifier, with Julie. sweatdrop ((And yes, this will be on colour on a site called 'youtube'!)) O To make a film on youtube about my pet worms. sweatdrop O To post 3 recipes on an entry. smile O To get a toy sword from Toymaster. sweatdrop O To create my own martial art, and film progress and free online training on se web. sweatdrop
Key: sweatdrop = Not started or hardly done. smile = Getting there. blaugh = Done!!! scream = Scrap that idea!!!
Now I would like to talk about my new story and mention the charactars. Here are the charactars:
Scruff Loves: Terrieblack Dislikes: His french teacher and Shen. Charm: 79 % Homework on time: 72 % Kiss a week: 99.99952 %
Shen Loves: Alice and Razzella Dislikes: His french teacher and Scruff. Charm: 91 % Homework on time: 80 % Kiss a week: 50 %
Alice Loves: Scruff, then Shen Dislikes: Life. ((But enjoys it in the ending!)) Charm: 79 % Homework on time: 75 % Kiss a week: 61 %
Razzella Loves: Shen/Scruff, then Wolf Dislikes: Life. ((But enjoys it in the ending!)) Charm: 86 % Homework on time: 80 % Kiss a week: 66 %
Julianna Loves: Haven't got one for her yet sweatdrop Dislikes: Really romantic manga. Charm: 90 % Homework on time: 97.88 % Kiss a week: 45 %
Lascar Loves: Julianna!! blaugh Dislikes: Really romantic manga Charm: 97 % Homework on time: 10 % Kiss a week: 20 %
Mr French Teacher Loves: French bread Dislikes: English breath, and toothpaste. Charm: -87.6653 Kiss a week: 1 % ((From a frog.))
Unknown Force Loves: Being an Unknown Forces Dislikes: Unmovable Objects. Charm: 50 % (????) Kiss a week: 0 % ((Doesn't like romance anuway))
What do you think? I have an awesome storyline too!! But that will be posted later... and hopefully this won't turn like Pirate Anime... sweatdrop
Recipes Now my first recipe for the journal can be found here: Chinese dim sum Take a lookie!
Coming soon recipes...
~ Fruit crumble ~ Orange Flan
More coming soon to a cinema near you!
And now a special edit from the hero herself! It's Tulin's art time!!
Find more of her artwork on one of her favourite thread's here! (below!)

Do you like the birdy on the pirate's shoulder?
 This special bird is one of my favourite creations. It is an unusual bird, because it does not have wings, it cannot fly, and it is a furry bird 3nodding but I love him to bits! Any name suggestions??
That's all I can think of to put in the journal. So yea! Thankyou very much for reading, please comment and let me know what you think!
tulin13 · Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 06:09pm · 1 Comments |