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Thoughts and Confessions
This is just my thoughts and confessions that I don't really tell anyone else. Don't mind my first ugly entries that are me when I was new.
Another Day, and a Screenplay!
I just wanted to Post the start of a screenplay I never got into really...

Sorry about how long it is...

(An ambulance is shown coming down a busy road. It must be around rush hour as the ambulance speeds through the cars. The ambulance turns into the hospital parking lot, and a body is pulled out of the vehicle and rushed inside. Most of his body is covered, but his face shows many serious wounds. Doctors, nurses, etc, say random things while the noise is focused on the body. It groans and tries to lift an arm. The noise increases.)

Doctor 1
Did you hear about that pour soul that came in about an hour ago?

Doctor 2
Of course! I saw him come in! Worst I’ve seen in a while. I do hope he lives; he did fight so much just to stay alive. He had some reason, he did. To stay alive, I mean.

Doctor 1
How did he get these terrible injuries you say he got, anyway?

Doctor 2
I think it was attempted suicide, but he backed out at the last second…
(Is interrupted)

Doctor 1
So how did he get hurt so badly if he didn’t try to kill himself?

Doctor 2
Well, I was getting to that…
(Doctor 1 laughs)

Doctor 1
Sorry! So, tell me! My break’s almost over!

Doctor 2
Okay, so as I was saying…He’s on the Marson Bridge and…
(Had hands up in explanation, but they flop to sides in annoyance)

Doctor 1
The Marson Bridge!
(Doctor 1 is shocked)
But that bridge! It’s HUMONGOUS!

Doctor 2
I know! Witnesses said he got up on the edge, got ready to jump, and then got back down.

Doctor 1
That’s weird…I still don’t get how this guy got hurt, though!

Doctor 2
Well, as he was getting down, a car hit him…
(Interrupted once again. Doctor 2 looks at Doctor 1 with annoyance as Doctor 1 starts talking)

Doctor 1
And he got hurt that bad? C’mon! You’re only allowed to go so fast…on…that…
(Sees Doctor 2’s face and slows speech)

Doctor 1

Doctor 2
(Recovers and starts talking again)
Well, the car was being chased. The person in the car had just gotten done robbing a bank. Actually, it was that guy they’ve been looking for.

Doctor 1
The one that killed that family and took their valuables? Weren’t they the richest family in the community, or something?

Doctor 2
The same! And how sad is that?
(Skip a beat, both deep in thought)
So, as I was saying…the car hit him at about hmm…75 miles per hour?
Doctor 1
(Very drawn out)

Doctor 2
I know! The only reason he’s still alive is probably because the police were on the scene because they had been chasing that robber! And the witnesses said that the robber stopped the car after he hit him, and got out of the car, laughing at him!

Doctor 1
(Shakes head)
There are some messed up people out there. I wonder how he turned out that way…probably abused or something like that…

Doctor 2
Probably…Hey! When lunch comes around, wanna come?
(Doctor 1 smiles)

Doctor 1
Sure! And by the way, what’s his name? I’d like to meet the guy that escaped death.
(Doctor 1 smiles playfully, and Doctor 2 laughs)

Doctor 2
Well, I guess it won’t hurt, but you won’t believe who it is!

Doctor 1
Who? It’s not someone I know, is it?

Doctor 2
Everyone knows who he is. You know, Tony McCoster!

Doctor 1
(Looks stunned)

Doctor 2

Doctor 1

Doctor 2
I know! So, lunch is still on, right?

Doctor 1
Yep! Seeya then!
(They separate at a split in the hall)

(Chelsea is shown watching the TV, probably the news, while sitting on the couch. She is watching the TV intently. Suddenly, she jumps up in excitement)

I’ve got it! Mom, I’ll be back tonight, I’m gonna go do my Homework somewhere!

Chelsea’s Mother
(Just a voice from the kitchen) Well, I think dinner’s going to be ready around 6:30! Don’t be late!

I won’t!
(Chelsea leaps out the door and down her apartment steps in excitement. She gets out of the apartment out onto a busy street, and calls a taxi. Once inside, she sits with a smile on her face)
St. Marcy’s Hospital, please!

Taxi Driver
Yes, ma’am…
(Starts driving and taxi arrives at the hospital a few minutes later. Chelsea gets out of the taxi, and then turns around and pays him. He speeds off as Chelsea looks at the gigantic hospital in front of her. She then walks in with a confident expression on her face. She walks to the main desk and the secretary looks up and smiles)

Secretary 1
How may I help you, Sweetie?

Um, yes…I’m looking for the recovery wing?

Well, it’s on the fourth floor and there are stairs that way…
(Points one way)
And the elevators are that way…
(Points the other way)

Thank you!
(She walks toward the elevator, while smiling, and a patient gets out. She happily holds the door open for the patient. Patient smiles at Chelsea, and Chelsea gets in)

Thank you!

(As doors are closing)
Your welcome!
(She rides up to the fourth floor and looks around. Chelsea goes to a front desk.)
Um…Excuse me?

Secretary 2
How can I help you?

I’m looking for Anthony McCoster’s room…
(Is cut off)

Secretary 2
Your not one of those crazy fans, are you?

(Puts a hurt look on her face)
No! If I was a fan, how would I know about Tony if only certain people know about his dreadful attempt off the bridge, and how he was brought to St. Marcy’s? Like I said…only certain people know about it.
(Smiles innocently)

Secretary 2
I guess so…But I’m going to take you there, just in case…

Oh, but it is quite all right, really! He already knows me! I swear!

Secretary 2
If you ask me, you’re just another one of his adoring fans trying to see him, ‘cause you sound pretty desperate to me…

I guess you can come then…
(Chelsea and Sec. 2 start walking down the hall and end up in front of a door)

Sec. 2
This is his room. He has one all by himself, since he’s so badly wounded, and because he’s so rich.
(She opens the door and pushes Chelsea through first. Chelsea now thinks her plan won’t work and tries to smile at the wounded body in front of her)

I didn’t know he was so badly wounded…

Tony McCoster
(Looks over at the Sec. 2 first, then Chelsea)
M-my sister! No! That can’t be possible! She shouldn’t be here!
(Sec. 2 calls a nurse who starts to tend to the now shaking Tony. Chelsea looks at herself in a mirror)
I’ll leave you 2 alone now, eh?

(Nurse leaves the room, and Tony and Chelsea stare at each other)

I thought you were dead…

Do I look dead?

But you’re my sister...

I’m not your sister…I can even go look up my birth certificate if you like.

(Looks Chelsea over)
I guess you’re not her…But you look so much alike…
(Lost in thought)

You must be mistaken, because I have baby pictures and stuff at home and you’re not in any of them. If that counts as proof…
(She is shy around him)

So…Who are you, anyway? Some adoring fan who somehow found out that it was Tony McCoster who tried to jump off that bridge?

Well…I guess you could say I’m an adoring fan…
(She nervously rocks back and forth)

(Nurse steps in)

Helen told me you might be lying…I guess she was right.
(Screams down hall)
(Sec. 2 comes running down hall)

Sec. 2
Come on now, girly…
(Starts to pull Chelsea out of the room)

I just wanted to help him and talk to him…
(Sec. 2 continues to pull her towards the elevator)
Let me go…Please!

Sec. 2
And disturb Mr. McCoster…I think not!

(Tony’s voice comes echoing down the hall)
I want to talk to her! She is my guest! Please! Let her talk to me!

Well…If you insist Mr. McCoster…
(Sec. 2 Blushes and continues to stand at the door)

I would like to talk to her in private, please.

Sec. 2
Oh…Of course!
(She gives Chelsea one last glare before closing the door)

I’m a little stressed out…How about you come back tomorrow…And we’ll talk about how you found me, hm?

Oh, uh…Sure!
(She clumsily gets her stuff together and walks toward the door)
See you tomorrow.

(She sits in a chair watching Tony)
I, uh…Came like you asked me to…

Thanks…I just need some entertainment around here, so I thought you would give me some…
(Watches the T.V. without giving her a glance)

You just wanted me here to…Entertain you?
(Chelsea looks down at her hands)

Um…Yeah…Is that a problem?

I guess not…
(Chelsea puts on a cheerful smile, even though she is clearly hurt)

Okay, then…On with the story…
(Continues to watch the T.V.)

Well…I saw you on T.V. and…

(Starts to laugh)
That was great! Hilarious!
(Continues to laugh)

Well, I thought…Um…”Who are you…?”

(Turns to look at her)
I’m sorry…Were you saying something?

Well, I thought I was…

(Starts to watch the T.V. again)

Um…Where was I…? Oh, yeah…I wasn’t sure it was you, and then…

(Starts laughing again and leans toward Chelsea)
You should really watch this sometime…It’s hilarious!

Are you even listening to me?


I really wish you would just listen to me…
(Starts to get annoyed)

I wonder if I’ll like a soap opera…
(Appears to be thinking hard)

(Chelsea grabs the remote and turns off the T.V. while Tony looks at her in shock)

What did you do that for? And you’re supposed to be telling me how you found me, right?

I was…
(Is interrupted)

Was what? Sitting there waiting for me to yell at you?


I hate people like you! Always depending on other people! How about you just leave!

But I was talking to you! You were ignoring me!

Really? I’m sorry I couldn’t hear you!

(Controls herself as Tony glares at her)
How about we start over?

Fine, whatever…
Hi…My name is Chelsea Elizabeth Williams…People call me Chez for short. I’m 15 years old…Am in the 10th grade…
And I was obsessed with you until you started acting like a jerk a few seconds ago…
(Put on a smile and holds out her hand)

Uh…Anthony…20 years old…Tony for short…And why in the world does someone have Chez as a nickname?
(Shakes Chelsea’s hand)

I think it’s Chelsea and Elizabeth put together in a very short word…I actually… have no clue. You should ask my parents.


Can I tell my story now without any interruptions?

Man…You even act like my sister…
(Chelsea glares at him)
Sorry…It’s just that you seemed so nice and that you would do whatever I told you before and now you have this attitude.
(Chelsea continues to glare)
Sorry…Just start then…

Thank you…I’ll start all over again…Just for you…

Don’t I feel lucky…

Excuse me?
(Tony rolls his eyes)
As I was going to say…I was watching the news after I got done with my homework a couple of days ago. There was this big story on every local channel about this guy hitting this other guy with his car. So, I just happen to catch a glimpse of the guy that was all banged up and it looked an awful lot like Tony McCoster…
(Is interrupted)

You could tell it was me, even though I was all banged up?

I am a devoted fan, aren’t I? As I was saying…I knew it was you as soon as I saw that cute beat up face of yours...I just had to find you and comfort you, since everyone knows that you’re all by yourself right now and your parents are running around somewhere…

How do people know about that?

How should I know? Well, they released yesterday that you were in a hospital and that you were the one who attempted suicide. So if you look out the window…You’ll see lots of other girls like me…

I don’t care about that. Just continue with the story!

Geez! Don’t be so pushy! How do you have all the energy to order me around like this?
(Tony shrugs)
Fine…I’ll continue…So you were all alone, and I thought you might need some company. I researched all the hospitals in a 20 mile radius of the Marson Bridge and found that St. Marcy’s was the closest…

Really? How do you do all that? I wouldn’t be able to…

It’s called the internet. So, I rushed to St. Marcy’s and told my mom I would do homework there, even though it was already finished and…

Do you often lie to your mom?
(Chelsea gives him a confused look)

What does that have to do with anything? So…
(Nurse comes in and looks Chelsea over)

Visiting hours are coming to a close…You have to go home now.

Okay…It was nice talking to you Tony…
(Picks up her stuff)

You’ll come back tomorrow, right?
(Skips a beat s Chelsea looks at Tony)

Really? Well, if you say so…Bye, then.
(She exits with a smile on her face)

(Starts to watch T.V. again)

Miss Toxica
Community Member
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  • User Comments: [4]
    Community Member

    Tue Feb 13, 2007 @ 02:19am

    That's loooooooooooooong x-x

    But it is nice! 3nodding

    *Read everything!* domokun

    Miss Toxica
    Community Member

    Wed Feb 14, 2007 @ 01:13am

    Thank you!
    I'm glad you took the time to read it!
    ((It makes me happy))

    Smexy Chon
    Community Member

    Thu Mar 15, 2007 @ 10:05am

    it waz good domokun

    Miss Toxica
    Community Member

    Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 10:24pm

    -Narrows eyes-
    Suck up...

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