Yes--I have decided to post comments and PMs that amuse me to no end. Will be updated now and again.
Let us start with this one:
To set the stage. The Noein Butterfly posted on my Forum asking for comments or she would tell Kyo-sama that I called him cute. I post a comment saying that "I am commenting....Should I fear Kyo? I should, shouldn't I?" I got this in response:
The Noein Butterfly Since I seem to not be able to add comments. Yes you should fear The Kyo. He is a fearsome Midget, I mean Man. KYO IS A MAN!
![User Image]( We Don't call The Kyo cute.
Even when he is we restrain Ourselves.
![User Image](
(he is only 5'3" wink
Yes---I am restraining myself with that second picture..... Must..not...use..the...C-word!!!
NOTE--I have just been made her pet...... eek
2nd NOTE--I did not know the greatness of Kyo-sama, so I was cast away as a pet...oh yeah, ignorance is my savior!
This one was great! Ken-chan was fighting with himself in my forum...
neokenshin_x neokenshin_x neokenshin_x neokenshin_x neokenshin_x neokenshin_x I'm always plain and never change looks, so, don't listen to me are you stupid? everyone's reading you, not listening to you. Shut up, what i'm trying to say is to ignore what I wrote. You see, you're an imbecile. you didn't say, you wrote. Who the hell do you think you are? stop bothering me. If you can't even understand a simple analogy, leave. I'm not "writing" anything for YOU to "read". As a member of gaia I have the right to post wherever I want to.
MacheteBear Okay people, this is how this is going to go: YOU WILL NOT SEND ME CHAIN LETTERS. Period. I don't care how much free gold you get, or how afraid you are that something bad will happen to you if you don't forward a letter, don't send them to me. I'm sick of getting junk mail in my Gaia inbox. I seriously get enough in all my other e-mail accounts, and I don't need more crap taking up space. If you're going to send chain letters, take me off your friendlist. Seriously. It annoys me THAT much. From now on, if you send me a chain letter...I don't care who you are or how long I've known you for, I WILL REPORT YOU. I'm not trying to be a jerk here...I just don't want junk mail! Thanks.
See what happenes? You people drove poor MB to the nut house! Shame on you Mr. Chain letter, shame!
Cherub_Shagami *screams and starts to cry* A spider scuttled across my sketch pad while I was working on it!!!!! *crys harder* EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I lost my train of thought, and now I wont be able to finish the picture!!!
Yes--I had an interesting post!
Quote: ![User Image]( do not mess with me, for I have a micophone, and I WILL use it!
Quote: (&'.')& &('.'& wink ^('.')^ v('.')v ^('.'^) (^'.')^ ^('.')^ its a dancing Kurby........ sweatdrop (&'p')& (&'.')& (&'p')& (&'.')& &------and now hes trying to breath. all that extra fluff shure does take its toll on your lungs
Quote: Mnemosyne00 ![User Image]( LAUGH! D< So LAUGH! posted with permission 4laugh Mnemosyne found it and showed it to me. All hail.
cherub_Shagami · Sun Dec 17, 2006 @ 07:26am · 1 Comments |