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View User's Journal

Random thoughts.
So it's all messed up, thats life!
After reading back on some of my friends journals I was compelled to make a new one myself!

Now I am not the biggest fan on writing in these, I prefer pen and paper.

I am not to sure on what I would like to entry in this one, but I am going to try...

Beer comercials are just so lifting, make me happy I am not like any of them! Then I wonder about some of them.

Danny, oh how I love you! I wish you could be here with me, I hate long distance realationships.
I find them to be so emotionaly draining, makes me sad when I looke at those loving couples walking around and doing those lovey dovey things!

Spray on freshness lover, spray on!

Oh sorry about the wait, I was a little busy...
Wow, it just all flows together.

Whee, I get to go back to work on Friday! Well sorta go back to work, they will only let me go for four hours. No more than that. I really thought that I would be okay working more, I dont even do much and I get restless!
It urks me so much!
Lungs shouldnt take that long to heal.

Well I am getting distracted by the towns now and all the great trash, flowers and bugs that are lying around.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Mar 04, 2007 @ 04:42am
I hate pen and paper cuz then my mom can find it, read it and assume i'm crazy and bug me about it ...its easier this way cuz then she cant read it lol and I hope she NEVER learns the computer lol EVER

commentCommented on: Sun Mar 04, 2007 @ 04:44am
I know what you mean, but I dont get the computer that much... now it is going okay though

Community Member
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